How the random breakup/nc thing works great to your advantage


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
Quick story from my past:

Dated a girl for about a year. When I met her I was kind of an AFC and I went after her a lot to finally get her to date me. After three months, I finally woke the F up and realized I didn't want to waste my life being a douche.

At month 4, I broke up with her. Didn't give her a reason. Just said "I don't think it's working out."

No contact for two weeks - she was texting almost every day. Finally I text her "Hey" and she calls me and says "Hey can you pick me up?". I wasn't busy so I say "sure" and go get her. She says "let's get back together - i'll suck your d!ck if we park somewhere." I say "OK sure". She does it. We get back together.

Every now and then this convo takes place:

Her: so why did you break up with me?
Me: i dont know (change subject)

We mutually broke up a few months later.

I've bumped into her a few times over the years, and every once in a while she asks why I broke up with her that first time. YEARS LATER.

Point of this story - random break up and no contact MESSES WITH CHICKS HEADS. She STILL thinks about it!

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
That's about right. The problem is most men are totally ignorant of two of women's greatest weaknesses: Their strong need to know everything and their need for closure.

This is why they grill he crap out of you in the "getting to know each other" stages. Women can't stand being in the dark and not knowing where they stand. It drives them crazy.

NC is one of the most powerful things a man can do to a woman. Even in small doses its very powerful... not responding to a text, ignoring a question, disappearing for a day and not saying where you went, etc.

Women complain when men don't "communicate" because not communicating gives men the advantage.


Don Juan
Jan 23, 2013
Reaction score
and what if someone did that **** to you? just tell the girl you broke it off. at least you dont have to deal with **** knowing you told her. If you just disappear on the woman, you're kind of a puzzy anyway


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
Sitting rinside @ the AFC Lightweight Championship
ghostridur said:
and what if someone did that **** to you? just tell the girl you broke it off. at least you dont have to deal with **** knowing you told her. If you just disappear on the woman, you're kind of a puzzy anyway
enough with your bullsh!t already...


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
ghostridur said:
and what if someone did that **** to you? just tell the girl you broke it off. at least you dont have to deal with **** knowing you told her. If you just disappear on the woman, you're kind of a puzzy anyway
There are certain truths in this world. Regardless of opinion this move places you in an advantage. If you're in a situation where breaking up is inevitable, it's far better to be the one who does it and on your terms.

Is it a jacked up psych game? Yes. Does it work? Undoubtedly. Last week I had a girl who I broke it off with hit me back after two years in order to gain closure. When I broke up I gave her the reason, but I did it suddenly and swiftly, throwing her into confusion (even though she had all her questions answered). Two days later she writes me a 5 page letter to which I responded, "I guess we just see thing differently", that's it.

After two years she wanted it to end differently, she wanted a warm and fuzzy closure, along with some different answers, which she didn't get either from me.

The rapid breakup followed by NC is priceless and usually results in 90% of women contacting at some point down the road, especially if you treated them right at the beginning.