Don Juan
I searched through the archives (and many websites) for an answer to this but can't get a consensus:
If you are still sore from a previous workout it is OK to work out again with those muscles?
I usually do 9 sets of 3 different exercises for chest, back, shoulders, triceps, and biceps followed by 30 minutes of intense cardio on one day (entire workout usually takes about 2 to 2.5 hours), then the next day I do legs in a similar fashion (quads, glutes, calfs, hams, abs) again followed by the cardio.
Then I take a day off. The problem is sometimes I'm still sore a little from the chest day (usually either triceps, shoulders and/or pecs are a little sore) by the time day 4 (the next upper body day) rolls around. And my butt gets really sore from squats and leg presses (sometimes lasting up to a week).
So I actually give the muscles 2 days rest (day 1 - chest, day 2- legs/abs, day 3 - off), but my upper body is still sore by day 3. I've read that you should actually give your muscles a day of complete NO soreness before working out again, but this means I only would only work out about twice a week.
Not exercising certain body parts (like doing only biceps if your back is sore, or triceps if your chest is sore) seems silly because when you do bench presses, you're working your triceps too and lat pull downs and rows also use the biceps. Most exercises like this use secondary muscles. So that's why I do ALL upper body in one day and ALL lower body in one day.
I use DiCreatine and Protein supplements (about 100 extra grams a day) and sleep well. I actually really enjoy working out very hard and I like to do it every day so I get ancy when I'm not working out. Yea, I'm a freak, I LOVE working out!
So, if you work out when your muscles are still a little sore even after waiting for 2 days, is it counterproductive? Should you wait until your muscles are COMPLETELY healed to work those muscles again?
- Invisible Man
I searched through the archives (and many websites) for an answer to this but can't get a consensus:
If you are still sore from a previous workout it is OK to work out again with those muscles?
I usually do 9 sets of 3 different exercises for chest, back, shoulders, triceps, and biceps followed by 30 minutes of intense cardio on one day (entire workout usually takes about 2 to 2.5 hours), then the next day I do legs in a similar fashion (quads, glutes, calfs, hams, abs) again followed by the cardio.
Then I take a day off. The problem is sometimes I'm still sore a little from the chest day (usually either triceps, shoulders and/or pecs are a little sore) by the time day 4 (the next upper body day) rolls around. And my butt gets really sore from squats and leg presses (sometimes lasting up to a week).
So I actually give the muscles 2 days rest (day 1 - chest, day 2- legs/abs, day 3 - off), but my upper body is still sore by day 3. I've read that you should actually give your muscles a day of complete NO soreness before working out again, but this means I only would only work out about twice a week.
Not exercising certain body parts (like doing only biceps if your back is sore, or triceps if your chest is sore) seems silly because when you do bench presses, you're working your triceps too and lat pull downs and rows also use the biceps. Most exercises like this use secondary muscles. So that's why I do ALL upper body in one day and ALL lower body in one day.
I use DiCreatine and Protein supplements (about 100 extra grams a day) and sleep well. I actually really enjoy working out very hard and I like to do it every day so I get ancy when I'm not working out. Yea, I'm a freak, I LOVE working out!
So, if you work out when your muscles are still a little sore even after waiting for 2 days, is it counterproductive? Should you wait until your muscles are COMPLETELY healed to work those muscles again?
- Invisible Man