Here is why I say women have no clue what "loyalty" means.
A woman stops putting out, the man gets blamed because he isn't doing it right. He isn't connecting with her emotions. He doesn't spend enough time on foreplay. Blah blah blah. Its all his fault, yet he is expected to stay loyal to her and does so many times.
A Woman gets fat, cuts her hair off and turns into a nag. The man is expected to remain loyal to her.
A woman doesn't get her "needs" met and she cheats or demands a divorce.
Yet men stay committed when their nagging wives don't put out. You see the difference? That's why I say you women have no clue what loyalty means.
Loyalty is marrying a woman and staying with her long after her looks faded and she has nothing to offer him.
Loyalty is unconditional love. The only time a woman shows unconditional love is for her children. Both of you women dumped your husbands for things that were "conditional". So should a man dump you when you don't meet his conditions regarding beauty?
I wouldn't marry either of you after hearing the trivial reasons you gave for divorcing your husbands. Sounds like you could have hired a nanny or a maid to alleviate some of the stress?
If a guy listed those reasons you two gave for why he divorced his wife he would be ridiculed.
@Augustus_McCrae divorced his wife for the same sorts of things I divorced my husband for. She let herself go, got entitled and very lazy, wouldn't hold her end of the marriage partnership. Interesting how it's fine for a man to do it, but if a woman has her self respect (I stuck in there for 15 years and about 14 of those years were bad since his business blew up in our first year together) and does it then somehow she's disloyal.
I contend that I held up entirely my end of the partnership and then some.
I remained a pretty and sexy hot size 2-4 with long blonde hair, a 36-24-38 figure with an athlete/dancer's body, (in fact I still look like that), created a six figure income, was emotionally stable, financially savvy, never let my appearance go (through 3 pregnancies mind you - I look as though I never had children still today), and was down for whatever/whenever in bed (or out of bed - etc.) with my ex husband. I was traditionally minded and family oriented. That's the holy grail right? That's what men here want to get find...that type woman. I never cheated, was completely loyal. I was generous and I was responsible.
Love is never unconditional. It isn't for men, nor is it for women. The idea that it is? THAT is blue pill fantasy. If you swallow the red pill you come to that understanding. If you want a high value person then you need to be also a high value person. People with high value have much to offer. More than physical appearance in fact whether we're talking about men or women. How this is news I'm not sure.
If a woman exhibits the traits my ex husband exhibited? I'd think you guys would be nuts to stay with such a woman. Yeah it's a financial risk in divorce. Cry me a river. I was the party at financial risk, faced that fire and survived. The improvement in my and my children's quality of life was worth that risk.