How Social Anxiety Crept Up and Ruined Your Game.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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In the beginning, life was carefree. Kids, just prior to schooling, would play, socialize, act out, and pretend. You didn't need a toy. And your looks didn't matter. So long as a bat and ball were involved, or so long as some girls and a playhouse were involved, all was good to go.

Then as you enter school, or forced schooling, you fall into a hierarchy. Even in the very beginnings, rules begin to take shape. Teacher-parent conferences give your parents updates on what strangers judge to be your social, mental, and emotional progress.

Suzie is the class hoe, she works skimpy clothes, even at 10, and because she's well-developed it's assumed her only offering is her body.

Ricky is the class jock. When he was young, his dad pushed him hard, very hard to be the best. This transferred to other arenas and so now at 11 it's assumed he'll be the H.S. Captain of every team.

John is the class nerd, so it seems. He loves video games and at 10 he can dismantle a computer and rebuild it. He taught his parents how to use it.

Jeff is the class comedian. He does funny, comedic things and gains a reward. When people laugh, he feels redeemed, valued, so he keeps it up. Many times he finds himself in detention because he flaunts the rules.


At the earliest outset of youth, kids are sent into a social scene where ranking and social structure occur. For more than 8 hours per day from the very beginning, kids are pegged into certain roles, just as I labeled above.

You get stars for attendence. For good work done. For good behavior. The stars are then displayed to your parents so they can be proud of your social progress by government and public standards, and NOT by their own family values.

If you break the line, if you go against the norm, then it's likely you'll end up in the principals' office. Where he, not your father, and not necessarily someone you respect, tells you who you are, what you'll become, and what's right and wrong. Then, they forward this information onto your family so that you the punishment can continue.

Grades are administered based on solely the memorization of words, paragraphs, and phrases. Parotting back answers is the only 'acceptable' means of achievement. It places emphasis not on ASKING questions, but on ANSWERING questions. Schooling does not focus on FURTHERING courses of study, but of giving you enough knowledge to make you valuable to companies and corporate America.

You become a tool of information bought to enhance the profitability of a company. Think not? Examine the testing. Schooling began as think tanks, where deep, introspective questions where asked. Now it exists solely as memorization, where tests are had every month on how well you MEMORIZE the knowledge, not on how well you KNOW it and UNDERSTAND it. And by now, nobody can recall more than 10% of what they did before college, and perhaps even less than that.


Consider that ILLITERACY is on the decline, while EDUCATION spending is at an all-time high. That we have more access to free education than ever before, and more illiterate and uneducated people. That the reading ability of society has declined, mostly due to the reading that is assigned in school.

Before, kids would read lengthy, respected novels. Shakespeare, Hemmingway, even historical works of Franklin, this all before the age of 10. THAT is where kids learned to read. Perhaps they didn't UNDERSTAND it, but they began to know the words, and how to say them. Then it was only a matter of KNOWING what they meant.

Consider that kids KNOW how to speak before they learn to read, YET, we slow that process down with such infantile words as CAT, HAT, BAT, and SAT.


In school, the theme is get in line, wait your turn, and your time will come. Only, if you wait in the same line, you'll get what everyone else ahead of you got. And it depends on what line you get in.

Get in the elite line, and you get wealth.
Get in the ivy leagues and get prestige.
Get in the college line, get middle to upper class.
Get in the high school line, get middle to low class.

There will be exceptions to every rule, to every supposed perfection. and large 95% of the country hits that mark, and politicians, and officials, and corporate America are willing to accept this.


You might ask, 'why is it this way?'

For one thing, control. The minute you step into the system you come to believe life is this way. Education is the door opener to all life. It is, but not the way it is taught. You're in schooling for roughly 12 years, but most go for at least 16, possibly 20. From the minute you have basic comprehension skills, you are put into a system. A system of ranking, of socialization, of branding identities, a complete and orderly social structure, that few ever escape from.

Look deeper at the tragedy that schooling is and see how it harms the youth. How kids are bulled and beaten and school do little to stop it. Is that not fragile to a young child? And yet, parents are ok with it? But, if they allowed their same kid to go to a friend's house and he was beaten by the parents, would they not press charges? Prevent him from ever going again? HELL YES!

Look at the education. Most guys here know, no one person learns the same way. In fact, there are many ways to learn. And learning is not on any time line. I could learn math fast, but english slow. You could learn english fast, but math slow. So what? Eventually we get there. Learning IS the fun part. But learning things that make us individually GREAT.

Ever wonder why we have a 'basic' system of learning. Math, english, science, some art, history? Wouldn't that be to make everybody the same? As long as we can do math and know how to talk/write, I believe we can operate in society. Yet, many people take basic courses and DO NOT know how to live in society.

This system makes every child a market. A market has specific behavior, so companies know exactly what they can hire and exactly who they can sell to. Programs can be devised to SELL to a certain market. And so can college courses be devised to sell students to a certain employer. In most cases, the best colleges are the best simply because they have the greatest reputation with top employers. Ask any Bentley or Bryant student.

"So and so ONLY recruits from here because it likes our programs and trusts our students."

Who's side is college on?

Your's or their's?

Programs are designed for corporate America. Made for the market.


Social anxiety creeps up because everywhere you turned in this 'system', penalties were awarded. If you got bad grades, bam, detention, your parent were disappointed, etc. If you spoke out, with original thought, bam detention, principal etc. If you dressed slightly awkward, because your parents couldn't afford it, bam, you were ridiculed by kids, your peers, and those whom you 'respected' then and who would help shape your self-confidence and friendships, possibly forever.

Don't go to school and you're labeled a loser. Your own family may even turn on you for 'being so foolish'. Your grandparents would look down on you. Maybe even expulsion. If you're too fat or too skinny, you were ridiculed. No where in the world does a more nervous, anxiety-ridden, and pressure-cooked atmosphere exist.

Everywhere you turned MISTAKE! God, don't make a mistake! Don't go to detention! Don't get bad grades! Don't buck the trends!

See why people fear socializing? Everybody thinks it's schooling all over again. Everybody' self images comes down to what was gained or lost during those formative years.


To further condemn the system, examine 'sex ed.'

Sex ed? Are you kidding me? Its ok for the state and some stranger to teach your kids values and feelings about one of the most important topics out there?!

And yet, the state says "well someone has to." Why aren't parents infuriated about this? In massachusetts, many schools are having GAY TOLERANCE programs, and advocating kids, young kids under 10 who feel things to CONSIDER BEING GAY. WHAT THE?

Kids are there to learn, yet someone would say this isn't some system of controlling behavior?

Parents are the emotional epicenter of a kids' life. And if not, hopefully when they grow up, they gain full autonomy over their feelings and realize all of their former years were a BIG FAT WHITE LIE.
It's inexcusable that we allow this to occur. And it's inexcusable that strangers, and a system like this, tell kids what to feel, think and do. The only people qualified to do that are happy, healthy, positive, loving people that are there for them.


And most people once they leave schooling, still remember their experiences as if it was their way of life. As if ALL life was like this. As if socially, every turn was a failure or success. As if stepping out of line was a threat. As if encountering a new stranger was like the first day of a new class. As if you were being judged the same ways.

And you know what? Some people will, but do you want to be one of those social robots? A by product of a system built centuries ago under perfection even now?

Think of how the social programs still running in your head work. How when something pops up, you're reminded of something in the past.



Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Seems to just be one big, rambling tirade. I don't understand your point. Are you advocating every child be home-schooled to avoid any chance of being bullied/ridiculed? Are you proposing some revolutionary change to the education system? I'll admit it's not perfect, but it's hard to perfect such a massive component of society. Some may say "Look at Asian countries!", but I think students opinions over there are even more repressed than over here. Orientals have an assembly-line mentality towards education.

As far as knocking sex ed....I think one of the reasons they started it was because most parents have some kind of excuse as to why they themselves refuse to teach their children. So, yes, someone has to do it.

While you didn't really give any recommendations in your post, I'll give one here: TEACH KIDS HOW TO WRITE THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.

For the love of god, please remove all spell-checkers from the school computers. College graduates cannot even spell anymore.

You don't have to look farther than many of the posts on sosuave.

As a funny side note, I was reading this one girl's online personal ad. She goes on saying "Yes, I weight 160lbs. So don't waist your time if you're hung up on stuff like that. Don't waist my time either." Or something like that. Cracked me up good.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with everyone else. sounds like you're rambling

what point are you trying to get accross?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
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The point he is trying to make is that we humans have forgoten the way of free thinking, that the society the school system the political system forces or pushes us to think in one direction and thats to always weigh risks vs benifits. He saying that the school system conditions us to think in ways that might not be most benifitial to us as individuals, but rather others who use us for their own benifit.

When every action you take has such hard repurcussions, and if each move that you make is calculated and thought over, then you apply that to your social life, where the risk to your self esteem becomes too great of a risk to go and talk and place your self out there. The kind of thinking thats required of us doesnt help us socialize.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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I wonder how many of us here still view the world in terms of high school stereotypes or still limit ourselves to our former place in the high school caste system.

It could certainly explain the resistance to change or "out of character" behavior. We think the caste system is still being enforced and don't dare defy it out of fear of punishment ... as though the popular kids still rule, ready to sic the jocks on anyone who didn't keep his place.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Hmmm...I was always the rebellious kid who didn't give a sh*t about the rules.

Guess I managed to pull through okay...




Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Hmmm...I was always the rebellious kid who didn't give a sh*t about the rules.

Guess I managed to pull through okay...




Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Originally posted by 007~JC
You really DON'T give a shyt about the double posted!! :crackup:


Yeah! Eat that, Standardized Guidelines for Board Usage!!


What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
I think what A-Unit is suggesting is that we become aware of how we are being pushed, bullied and controlled by a system that has nothing but disdain for us. We are the expendable masses, human fodder which they use to advance their agendas. It makes me fuggin sick to think about how mankind just accepts the limitations imposed by the elite.

Something has to change. Kids are getting dumber and dumber by the day, our rights are being stripped away as more control is imposed upon us. It should make us angry, it should rile us to action, but the programmers have done their work well. Through education in our youth and television in our adulthood we are led like the sheep we are into our own prisons!

You guys can dismiss this as a rant all you want, but the bottom line is that we need a lot more A-Units in this world if we are ever going to throw off the chains of oppresion and enjoy true FREEDOM. The masses are a sleeping giant these days and may God have mercy on those in power on the day that we all collectively awaken!


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
Originally posted by Don Ronny
I think what A-Unit is suggesting is that we become aware of how we are being pushed, bullied and controlled by a system that has nothing but disdain for us. We are the expendable masses, human fodder which they use to advance their agendas. It makes me fuggin sick to think about how mankind just accepts the limitations imposed by the elite.

Something has to change. Kids are getting dumber and dumber by the day, our rights are being stripped away as more control is imposed upon us. It should make us angry, it should rile us to action, but the programmers have done their work well. Through education in our youth and television in our adulthood we are led like the sheep we are into our own prisons!

You guys can dismiss this as a rant all you want, but the bottom line is that we need a lot more A-Units in this world if we are ever going to throw off the chains of oppresion and enjoy true FREEDOM. The masses are a sleeping giant these days and may God have mercy on those in power on the day that we all collectively awaken!
No, man. That's how it is if you want to feel that way...but there are places you can go and groups you can reside with. The hippie movement is still alive and well within a lot of "straight-laced" people. There are subcultures all over the place that shyt on the convention. Alternative schooling, alternative living environments, etc. The fact is, changing and entire nation is difficult...but changing a small group is a much more feasable task. Start small and grow. Even the PUA community is a subculture. Sure, we focus on picking up the ladies, but we also support each other through the bad and the good. We're not close, but somehow we feel comfortable telling each other our dirty little secrets. That is THIS community.

and there is a lot more. There is a lot more than the basic, generic life-system you guys discuss. Raise your children to think on their own. Let them know that their schools are bullsh*t. Teach them respect but teach them resilience as well.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Pardon the lack of clarity as it relates to this post. There are many who may ask the question, 'What does this have to do with my game, women, or success in life?'

In my estimation, everything, because behind all this is where you came from, who you are, and who you're becoming (if anything at all).

A Rant? I try to avoid the 'sneaky conspiracy theories' and beliefs that there's a system of control enveloping the masses, but any book you read bleeds the theme 'if you don't learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it.'

The history of humanity is one of oppression and persecution. One which began from the small rumblings of an amoeba, to large scale empires, in which power rested amongst the few top advisors.

My father begged the question, 'if Bush has advisors who knows this or that, why wouldn't they step up to fix this or that, to advise him as they are paid to.' My answer was simple...'the advisors are there to create the air of democracy and outside counsel, that all is balanced and fair. In reality, these guys get cushy, secure jobs, nice pay, prestige, status and control. Would you rock the boat with all that?'

Many aren't the vigilante believers they purport to be. It's more a mascarade.


Bottom line _______

There's no reason any guy can't be a social dynamo, make tons of friends, and have many loves. It's the world around you that tries to suck away hope, love, and belief so that everybody is left with nothing but despair.

It isn't rocket science, and I do admit digging deep enough to make it complex, but in my reality, getting to the true meat of how things work gives me greater confidence in my aim.

Much fear stems from that which was inborn in our formative years. Even a few PUA books tap into this truth. The books talk about 'social pecking order,' and how guys who are perceived as geeks and unsuccessful with women just had 1 bad, initial experience and allowed their self-images to ingest this poisonous belief until they were lonely.

What also led me to this post was the post on 'RPG helped a gamer score chicks' blah blah blah. It is sad we have to fake reality to get through it. But hey, whatever works. Point is, all is not right. It is not to require so many DRUGS nowadays for what was NEVER a disease. Placating ADD kids is the worst thing to do. We're all born with a certain destiny, and getting kids on ADD is a just a way to say "hey, there's a system here and if you want to succeed in it, please take drugs."

I know plenty of smart people who can't sit before a college text book and focus, yet I also don't believe drugs are the answer here. Books of that nature ARE made to be disinteresting, to be more of a dictionary and ANSWER-GIVER than QUESTION-ASKER.

Read any literary novel or book. It REQUIRES you think, visual, and understand on your own terms. Reading Ayn Rand, or Machiavelli, requires you feed yourself the knowledge, that nobody will do it for you. Textbooks are the opposite, they GIVE you the answer, usually at the back. How can anything be learned? And why must it be at someone's arbitrary pace?

Ever notice those who finally get into their major by senior bump their GPA's because they are doing what it is they love? Weird coincidence eh? Those who do well on basic, rudimentary courses do so because they are smart, and desire to. Yet, isn't education about what it is WE want to learn, and not what someone else wants to teach us?


College kids are more confused than ever because they are told to get jobs and careers, yet they have no passion for what it is they do. We are fortunate to have OPPORTUNITY all around us, but the opportunity is not to make money to buy THINGS, because that right there is an admission of some SYSTEM.

Get good grades.
Got to a good college.
Get a high paying job.
Earn lots of money.
Spend money on lots of things.

That's become the progression of education and the justification for its lofty status in America. Yes, it's a great institution when used properly. However, we should be educating to BECOME something, and NOT HAVE things. To raise our conscientiousness. To expand on the industries out there.


Many here place blame on themselves for social anxiety. For not going near women. For not being more driven, or aggressive. We are told 'that isn't who you are, THIS is who you are.' You recount old friends who told you who you were in school, so you had a place to spring back to as a person. You fit a role, play to it, and never waiver.

It fits an agenda, in which person fits an orderly system, so you're a market, with behavior, that can be sold to. Predictability is key, because it's control. Social order is just that a form of mental control. They don't need a police state yet, until people began freely thinking.

Socially we all have the skills, they are necessary to be worked on or tweaked, they are there, lying dormant, behind the fears of failure and humiliation.



Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
It's funny. I had always chalked up my problems to NOT having been programmed. I saw my pathetic and lonesome self as a largely blank slate, the logical result of LACK of exposure to society ... which was still the case even if my conclusions were wrong.

"I'm a virgin because I was never programmed to think that sex was important and that I should do anything to get sex - like everyone else was."

And I used the same basic rationale for every other way I differed from the people around me: friendless, unambitious, unathletic, not materialistic, etc.

I have since become aware of the constant barrage of "YOU SUCK!" that constitutes our culture, with the corporations offering a solution in the form of pre-packaged "lifestyles". Ads take beautiful people and have them portray a charmed life of nonstop parties, sports, and sex, all drowning in cash - and all of this in deliberate stark contrast to reality, of course - then when we're feeling how much we suck by comparison to the people in the commercial, we're shown a product that, if we buy it, not only we but other people as well will feel like we live as the actors pretend to.

I think A-Unit is right after all, that what's behind our fear and apathy is the programming that we're all worthless piles of genetic garbage that don't deserve to live, much less to enjoy life.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Washington, DC
God - what is with all the depressing talk here?

You are only the person YOU choose to be. F*ck social programming. F*ck rules. F*ck all that. It's not important. The fact of the matter is that you are who you are and what you can't change, you will have to live with.

Look at the positive things once in a while. They DO exist. There's nature, there's so many interesting people in the world you can many interesting places to go. There is so much KNOWLEDGE out there. There is just so much in the world...why be depressed and criticle all the time? So our society is ****ed up? Make the most out of it! Enjoy life. It's all you've got!



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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It isn't that is is's the perception of what it is.

One may take notice that it seems if all these things are true, then what's the use.

It's the exact opposite.

It is a motivator.

To break free from the bondage of thoughts not entirely yours.


I wholeheartedly agree with Vibe's 'vibe'. I see every passing day as to be enjoyed and made the most of. In my opinion, it isn't a party everyday.

We live with infinite ability and infinite dreams. There's no end to what we can do. The world is more ready to label something a I can't do project, than a can do project. Yet, nothing we have today would be possible without can-do attitude.

What we see is only a tiny fraction of what is possible and capable. Everything starts with a thought, then a dream, then action. Physical form originates in mental form. A seed of thought creates the oak tree of life from which all of existence comes to pass. Anything you can imagine comes from the mind.

Even the physical elements of a house are nothing without a thought taking action on them to build them into something grand, or lousy.



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
This is a very interesting thread.

It is very true that all aspects of society will form what you are. Some of the major ones are school, parents, and even religion.

I was taught by my parents to supress my anger. I used to keep everything bottled up inside.

I remember writing a journal in english class. The teacher asked us to select what we thought was our best journal entry, and hand it in for marks. I chose the angriest, most pissed off entry out of my journal. I handed it in and got 60% on it. I was confused as hell. The teacher wrote, "I'm surprised you consider this your best entry. I read your (name) entry and it was more thoughtful, and portrayed a deep level of thinking."

School teaches us what other people want to read and hear. Our parents teach us how other people expect us to behave. Religion teaches us how god expects us to obey him. The child learns how to please everyone else except his or herself.

True, you need to help form morals in a child (don't steal, don't kill), but teaching them how to think, how to react, and how to avoid hearing their own thoughts and opinions in favor of approval from others is control.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
All I've gotta say is once you understand the whole programming aspect of society, learn how to be a programmer. This in itself is the game. With women, with business, with people in general. Thought patterns are the programs. Recognize how they work, and how to use them to your advantage. You don't have to lose your humanity to do this.

The amount of control people have over their lives is inversely proportional to how susceptible they are to having others manipulate them. Since the far majority is not aware that any level of thought manipulation exists, this leaves them completely susceptible to those who are aware. The further you work to increase your own awareness, the more power you have to accomplish whatever it is you choose in life. If you're a hedonist, get rich and go live like Hugh Hefner. If you want to be the next great figure in history, go for it. If power floats your boat, then become a high ranking politician. Instead of fighting to change the system of people mentally directing other people, use it to your advantage.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Ronny
The masses are a sleeping giant these days and may God have mercy on those in power on the day that we all collectively awaken!
Haha Nice we got some revolutionaries in the building.

A-Unit speaks truth when it comes to the schooling system we have now. The structure of how the classes are set up is defiantly “A tell” of what it’s all about. They will have classes around 45 minute intervals for what reason? Is it some specialist can come in with passion and get you excited about a specific field. Nope!! Really its like a product assembly line teaching you how to work on one task then go to the next at the ring of a bell.

It’s funny how these people who usually run the school system claim to have a high regard for family values yet care nothing for the model when building their system. I forget where their doing it but they testing out a school where the kiddies stay with one main homeroom teacher for their schooling career. It could be easily done because most of these teachers are qualified to teach multiply subjects. There would be so many benefits to having a mentor that you can build a relationship with. More freedom on what you what to learn would be a benefit. Also a team of students who have been together for a long time willing to help each other out. Having a forum where you could hire personal problem and get proper feed back on how to solve them. Having an army of confident young men and women is not in the best interest to those who have power.


Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Monte Carlo, Monaco
you are absolutely right a-unit

i remember in high school where I just went straight to class, didn't really approach anyone i didnt know,

now that im in college and in life, im basically doin the same thing i did in high school

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.
