Hey Fly! How's it going? Just want to answer your question. I do more of what Harry was talking about. I let her initiate first. But there's a little secret to touch that most people are unaware of. I've never seen anyone mention this. This is the key to non-sexual touch. This is also the key to holding hands and to kissing and to sex.
When it comes to moving forward physically or her moving forward physically with you, DISTANCE IS THE KEY TO EVERYTHING!!
Other than TIMING, it's DISTANCE. I cannot stress this enough!!
Why do you think that once you know what you're doing, it's easy to move things forward on the dancefloor? DISTANCE! What allows friendly, non-sexual touch to happen in the first place? DISTANCE! Holding hands? DISTANCE! Kissing? DISTANCE! Sex? DISTANCE!
She has to be standing close to you to be able to REACH YOU. For friendly casual touch she has to be within arm's reach. For hand-holding, she has to be within arm's length. For hugging, even closer, but at least within arm's reach. Kissing, closer. Making out, very close. Sex, as close as you can possibly get.
Distance is the common denominator to all forms of physically advancing. Observe her closing the distance. Once, twice, three times, then inch closer to her. As you both inch closer, taking your sweet time, she will initiate some form of touch during conversation. Let her do it 2 or 3 times, then touch her back, in a non-sexual spot on her body. If she leans against you, let her, then maybe put your arm around her waist (one example).
Think of yourself as having this animal magnetism. You're both like magnets. Notice when you get 2 magnets close enough, they automatically pull towards each other. Get the magnets close to each other without touching them and you'll feel a pull. It's the same with women. If you keep inching closer to each other, it creates a "magnetic" pull. If you both enter each other's personal space repeatedly, while making good eye contact, she will eventually FEEL COMPELLED to begin friendly touches. You can then reciprocate.
Of course, this assumes she's a woman with high interest. Women with high interest will enter your personal space a lot. This is what we want anyway. Women with high interest. We then allow her to draw to us. You move forward by either showing enjoyment at her subtle advances and/or reciprocating with an advance of your own. Think of it like taking tiny steps. But these are tiny steps within only a few feet. So each tiny step actually goes a long way.
I can't stress this enough and will repeat myself. DISTANCE is the key to EVERYTHING! If there were a coin that represented the essence of physical intimacy with women, TIMING would be HEADS and DISTANCE would be TAILS.