You havent read the DJ bible yet. Do it.
The first girl kissed you and brought you to her house but didn't give you her number? Somethings wrong with that picture. I'm sure you could have gotten the number if you really wanted. Next time you see her, act like you're in a hurry then hand her a pen and piece of paper and tell her to write her number down. Take t and leave. She will, but if she doesn't then forget about her.
The bible would have told you to never ask a girl out on a date over
text or email, and never ask her without specifying a specific date. Don't wait for her to call you, you have the control and she expects you to take it. Call her up and say "Do you want to go the movies with me on Friday?" No beating around the bush with funny messages or ambiguous invites.
Again, read the bible. Look at the top right for the link where it says "New here?"