How should I love my girlfriend without losing her

the pokemaster

Don Juan
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
I'm now 6 months into my first serious relationship. I do love this girl but after watching "My Bestfriends Girl" i just kind of realised of how much of a love puppy i've allowed myself to become.

I have no problem with getting girls and i'm fully confident even if this relationship doesn't work out i could find another girl easily to satisfy my sexual needs, but the problem is they wouldn't replace her.

This girl seriously is perfect in my eyes. And she's serious about me as well. She's considering moving to Amsterdam with me in my placement year (i'm at university), she says after she wants to move in with me, marry me, have my babies. It's all good, im kool with that! this girl is my view of perfection (HB10). She's sexy, intelligent, fashionable, she smokes weed, i can crack joke with her all night, we got the same perspective on life. My family loves her, her family loves me. I'm happy when i'm with her. She calls me her soulmate lol. Everytings bless.

Now i understand that this is my first relationship, and the statistics of whether its gonna work out in the end is against me. But I am no fool! Although I am young, I have been honing my DJ skills since the age of 14. I've had loads and loads of sex. I've been very picky about who i'll give the title of my "girlfriend" to and she's earned it in my eyes.

You can already probably see just how smitten i am. I've allowed myself to lapse and become a bit *****. But you know its hard not to when your in love. It just seems natural to say i love you, or i miss you, when you know that she feels the same.

Nothings gone wrong.... yet. I just feel naked and vulnerable because i've let my guard down. Whats the game plan? Do i pretend I dont like her as much as i do? Is that a long term strategy? Do I keep her on her toes for a few years?


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
You are probably Ok for now,just don't let your guard down or start doing things you wouldn't before. When you let the little things slide to avoid a fight-she starts losing respect for you. "If you can't stand up to me,you can't be strong enough to stand up FOR me"-the way women think.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
in ya girl
its been six months so you pretty much know each other well but certain things should slowly be revealed overtime making her think theres other mysterious aspects of your life she doesnt know.. keeping her interested


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
After 6 months, you ought to know if there are any serious "red-flags". Just make sure you are not ignoring them.

How much time have you spent with her? Has she ever stayed the night? How do you feel about waking up next to her in the morning? Does it "feel right"?

Do you think she'd make a good mother?

Remember, just because of all this "plate-spinning" theory on this goofy forum, it doesn't mean that you CAN'T find a good girl who you want to spend the long-term with. All that's advised is that you be sure and consider all possibilities, and don't "settle". Given that this is your first "serious" relationship, you should be extra-diligent in paying attention to what your gut is telling you and not get swept up in the puppy-love nonsense.