How should I approach College


Apr 29, 2011
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I'm going to a major college, and would like to hear some suggestions from yall. Obviously girl wise. My crush is going there, and she said we could be college buddies, but is that a friendzone?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
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yes, the chances are low you will hook up with her. Basically it's all about status in college. If you focus on that, then you can get your pick of girls, maybe even her, but if you focus on her, you're wasting your time and the best years of your life. Read "conquer your campus" ebook. That has all the info you'll need for being successful in college


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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Chickfight said:
yes, the chances are low you will hook up with her. Basically it's all about status in college. If you focus on that, then you can get your pick of girls, maybe even her, but if you focus on her, you're wasting your time and the best years of your life. Read "conquer your campus" ebook. That has all the info you'll need for being successful in college
Interesting observation. I know college is a closed system, but you can still get numbers by being some random guy with little perceived "college social value", as long as you're willing to cold approach. I did it this past semester, but since I'm so new to cold approaching and pick-up, it was just a big learning process. I rarely got blown out immediately, but in all honesty, my numbers were not great(15-20 numbers and only met up with 5 of them afterwards for the spring semester).
For the OP: There are women all over the place at college! I went to a Division I-AA college(8,000 students total) and there were women to approach every single day that I hadn't seen before. Don't focus on one girl at all. Instead, think of how interesting all these new mysterious girls can be. Also, learn to do some cold approaches. Chickfight knows a lot more about how to be a "high value" guy in college than I, so maybe he could elaborate on how to go from being some random guy to having nice social value.:)

To answer the OP's question: Having someone as a friend to start college isn't such a bad thing, but by all means, game this women! But don't focus on the outcome of what happens, and don't be concerned with the friendship either. If both die as a result of you wanting more, so be it. That's my advice from an inexperienced aspiring DJ, so take it with a grain of salt I suppose. I want to help, but there're guys here that can help you more than I.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Please review this post and associated thread.

I will summarize for you briefly:

Cliques are formed VERY quickly in school, college, parties, etc. You need to talk to people right off the bat to start out on the right foot. It really is the difference between the "cool guy" who is in with the hot girls and other cool guys versus the quiet creepy outsider who struggles to get attention.

I was the "nerd" in high school and college. It wasn't because I did well academically. It was because I isolated myself intially. When I tried to recover from that and be more outgoing, it was too late. My reputation as boring quiet guy was set. I did it to myself, but didn't realize it or understand it until years later.

And yes, status is huge too. Things like frats, sports, and other organizations can help big time, but I'll defer to the other guys who have more experience in that area.


Apr 29, 2011
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so basically be more outgoing and try to game the girl, but keep the friendship if things go bad.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2010
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I would definitley hang around campus and just flirt and play games. Its a bunch of kids fresh out on their own. Your going to make bad decisions(in a good way) and fraternities do help you get ladies. Just join the right one, high social status. I joined one, and their are alwayss girls around. Just make sure they throw the best parties, because well, thats what attracts the hottest girls.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Mike32ct said:
Cliques are formed VERY quickly in school, college, parties, etc. You need to talk to people right off the bat to start out on the right foot. It really is the difference between the "cool guy" who is in with the hot girls and other cool guys versus the quiet creepy outsider who struggles to get attention.

I was the "nerd" in high school and college. It wasn't because I did well academically. It was because I isolated myself intially. When I tried to recover from that and be more outgoing, it was too late. My reputation as boring quiet guy was set. I did it to myself, but didn't realize it or understand it until years later.

And yes, status is huge too. Things like frats, sports, and other organizations can help big time, but I'll defer to the other guys who have more experience in that area.

You must get into a group IMMEDIATELY. This is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do socially for the next 4 years. Everything you do socially involves your group, the groups are very exclusive, and once they form, unless you're a hot girl, they're impossible to infiltrate. This has gotten even worse than usual just in the last few years because of the rise of Facebook/texting, which allows the group members to stay in contact with each other at all times and never have to meet new people.

If you're not in a group, the next 4 years of your life is going to suck. It's like prison, but instead of getting stabbed/raped by people who are in groups, you sit at home by yourself while everyone else is out having fun. I went to community college and transferred to a big state school, everyone was already in their groups and I spent years ****ing ugly girls and banging my head against the wall socially because of this. Get into a group as soon as you can. And if you can afford to join a frat, do it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Kerpal absolutely nailed it. Print out his post (including mine).

It's absolutely critical. If you want to play to win, it's your wildcard.

Go online and start researching the different organizations that you can join and move on that as soon as school starts. They will be most receptive to you at the BEGINNING. Later on, the window closes forever.

You can still be friends with that girl, but don't worry about her or trying to hook up with her. You got bigger fish to fry.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Figure out which ones are the best and join one of them if you can afford it.


Don Juan
May 5, 2011
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From what I remember from college, girls always seem to go for the guys that have a defined persona, activities and groups, not guys that seem lost.

Take up guitar or something, join a band, take part in the sports, try and keep up with the social activiites, and do all of these things for YOU. Girls aren't stupid, they can sense when you're doing it just to impress them.

You should grab college by the nuts and squeeze as much as you can out of it. Girls will pick up on that and respect you for it.

Personally when I was at college, no joke of a lie, I pulled one of the 3 top girls there. Or rather she pulled me. I was a kind of heavy metal dude at that time, played guitar in a band, hung around with the rock and metal dudes. Went to the bars with them etc.
She was not "metal" at all. Quite the opposite. I dated her for three months, never forgotten her. She was also two years older than me. I was 16 and she was 18.
I guess maybe it was that "definition" of personality she liked. The fact that I was a pretty boy in those days probably helped as well.

I know that the college I went to we were probably younger than you, but sme rules still apply. Whether you're a poet or a bodybuilder (or both?).


Don Juan
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
Wait, so you're screwed forever if you mess up your freshman year?
I didn't take advantage of a lot of opportunities, I plan to change that next year.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
Kallaz said:
Wait, so you're screwed forever if you mess up your freshman year?
I didn't take advantage of a lot of opportunities, I plan to change that next year.
Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Mike32ct said:
Please review this post and associated thread.

I will summarize for you briefly:

Cliques are formed VERY quickly in school, college, parties, etc. You need to talk to people right off the bat to start out on the right foot. It really is the difference between the "cool guy" who is in with the hot girls and other cool guys versus the quiet creepy outsider who struggles to get attention.

I was the "nerd" in high school and college. It wasn't because I did well academically. It was because I isolated myself intially. When I tried to recover from that and be more outgoing, it was too late. My reputation as boring quiet guy was set. I did it to myself, but didn't realize it or understand it until years later.

And yes, status is huge too. Things like frats, sports, and other organizations can help big time, but I'll defer to the other guys who have more experience in that area.
This. I made the same mistake a year ago and now I'm paying for it. People may acknowledge you but it won't get any further than that. Sad to say but that's life. I blame my anti-social behavior for the amount of non-existent rep I get in school, even if I'm picking myself up now.