How often should you call or text a girl?


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
I'm talking to this girl and we are going out on a date this Saturday. Last time we talked was on the phone two nights ago (don't worry, I keep it brief).

I don't really feel like talking on the phone, but do females think you are losing interest (or wworse, lose interest in you) if you don't keep in touch regularly? Andd, I mean, there are lots of ways to do it now. Calling, text messaging, and AIM (I have DSL and my computer stays on ALL the time, therefore my internet does too....its also in my room. before anyone gets the wrong idea, I'm not on the comp 24/7. It just stays on).

Also, if I see her on AIM should I say something or not? I like talking in person more, but I know how sometimes people think and I don't want her thinking that i don't want to talk to her or something cus I don't IM here when she signs on.....

I know we should let females call us, but if they are the only ones calling, won't they think soon that we may not want to talk or somehtin?


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
BTW, we are both in high school. I'm about to graduate (senior) and she's a junior. We don't go to the same school and we are both 17 (i'll be 18 in a month).

The Comeback Kid

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
I'll bump this...

..I prefer talking in person as well by a lot. I hate IMing a girl, but sometimes I have to do it (for w/e reason) - many bad things can happen when IMing.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Comeback Kid
I'll bump this...

..I prefer talking in person as well by a lot. I hate IMing a girl, but sometimes I have to do it (for w/e reason) - many bad things can happen when IMing.
Yeah, I don't like IMing either. It's generally a better idea to call her just to chat than it is to talk on AIM, because she gets to know you much better, whereas you lose a part of your personality when you're just talking online. Also, I try to avoid talking to a girl online earlier in the day when I plan on calling her later, because then I will sometimes use up some of the things I would have rather talked to her about on the phone.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
yeah I have the same problem knowing how often is too often to talk, any more advice guys?


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
i wouldnt text a girl that often, cuz even i get pissed off when myphone gets bombarded with texts from the same perosn, but im not chick i suppose.

keep texting as long as your getting replies i suppose. and then just stop give the impression you gto something better to do, texting is ok for flirting,but its probably cheaper to make a call.

having said if the chick dont answer her phone twice dont call back fdor a few hours then try and then its 3 strikes and your out.

the same principle applies if she does answer, act like you got better stuff 2 do even if u dont. dont to talmon the phone for longer than arouind 10-15 minutes, thats whatg her chick friends are for.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Finlay
i wouldnt text a girl that often, cuz even i get pissed off when myphone gets bombarded with texts from the same perosn, but im not chick i suppose.

keep texting as long as your getting replies i suppose. and then just stop give the impression you gto something better to do, texting is ok for flirting,but its probably cheaper to make a call.

having said if the chick dont answer her phone twice dont call back fdor a few hours then try and then its 3 strikes and your out.

the same principle applies if she does answer, act like you got better stuff 2 do even if u dont. dont to talmon the phone for longer than arouind 10-15 minutes, thats whatg her chick friends are for.
I agree with most of that. However, I with the number of times you call a girl, I would say wait about an hour or so (unless you really need to talk to her) for even the second call.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Why don't you purchase a journal at a convience store nearest you?

What for you ask? Answer: To make a log of when you call her and text her. Every row will augment by one hour, so make sure you get in a text every hour or the whole STRAtEGY will be ruined.


I agree.

Big Boi

Don Juan
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by JCKey618

Also, if I see her on AIM should I say something or not? I like talking in person more, but I know how sometimes people think and I don't want her thinking that i don't want to talk to her or something cus I don't IM here when she signs on.....

I know we should let females call us, but if they are the only ones calling, won't they think soon that we may not want to talk or somehtin?
listen, first with the AIM thing...if she knows your screenname, you should never AIM her first. one, it makes you standout because she gets bombarded with IMs as soon as she logs on. two, you have better **** to do, or at least should give that impression.

you should let females call you most of the time, and call them once in a blue. yes, they WILL think that you dont wanna talk to them, they WILL think youre selfish, they WILL threaten to stop calling.

they wont stop calling. they're testing your manhood. if you stand firm, theyll love it.

trust me on this...the girls i talk to have told me similar things, but they never reveal it because they like the attention of having people call them and IM them 24/7.