Gave up porn quite a while ago. If I need to rub one out I just think of the last session with my hot wife. Does it every time.
Porn conditions you in a bad way. I would rather read erotica than watch porn. It trains your brain to only respond to the stimulas with the hard core visuals. When your with a normal woman it makes it harder to bust your nut because you have trained yourself to only get off if it resembles the porn burned into your head.
Women need 2 things to really enjoy sex (most anyhow) and that is 1. An emotional attachment (created by kino and good conversation) and 2. Prospect of enjoyment. If one or both of those elements are missing it won't be as satisfying for either of you unless you couldn't care less of your partners feelings and your not in tune to your partners rythm.
Steer clear of porn... And you will have a much easier time with women and less expectations of their performance.
Porn conditions you in a bad way. I would rather read erotica than watch porn. It trains your brain to only respond to the stimulas with the hard core visuals. When your with a normal woman it makes it harder to bust your nut because you have trained yourself to only get off if it resembles the porn burned into your head.
Women need 2 things to really enjoy sex (most anyhow) and that is 1. An emotional attachment (created by kino and good conversation) and 2. Prospect of enjoyment. If one or both of those elements are missing it won't be as satisfying for either of you unless you couldn't care less of your partners feelings and your not in tune to your partners rythm.
Steer clear of porn... And you will have a much easier time with women and less expectations of their performance.