I think many people on this and similar forums think too straightforwardly about what women want, or what guys need to be/do in order to get women.
Based on my experience, people in general, and women especially, are different in their needs and wants. Guys are generally more simple, we know what we want. But even with guys, preferences vary widely. I'm not attracted to women who are outgoing, I like the shy ones. I also don't like big breasts. Etc. I know many guys who are completely the opposite, they lust over the most popular girl with big boobs.
Women may often disqualify themselves from dating certain types of guys. For example, I have known women who are looking for a guy with whom they don't feel inadequate. Sure, maybe they sometimes daydream about meeting a hot celebrity and falling in love, the same way guys may dream about meeting a porn star and having sex with her. But it's not reality, and most women still know this.
Most women are insecure and if they think a guy is too hot for them, they may very well pass and instead go for safer options. In general, they are terrified of rejection, much more so than guys are. I believe most shy girls never directly reach out to any guy in their entire life, especially if the guy is high value and they think they might not get a favorable response.