How nice are you to fatties?


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
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OnTheWayUp said:
I'd like to hope that this means that I am not a "nice guy," and that the fatty's infatuation with me is similar to the beta male's unrequited fascination with "this one girl" (normally HB8-10). Both the beta male and the beta female are attracted to what is out of their league.
thats exactly what it is man, don't sweat yourself, there are some people out there that are psychos and have no natural ability to detect leagues, and add on top of that no self respect or shame and you got someone that is a zero chasing 10's

I know I do not give off nice guy vibe because nice cute little HB7's are absolutely tore up in my presence, prolly same for you, I mean they are totally intimidated and get flustered, its the psychos that are off the deep end


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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OnTheWayUp said:
My problem with applying this argument to my situation stems from the fact that girls know I'm not a "nice guy."
I told myself the same thing. Who hasn't told themselves the same thing? Nobody likes to admit leaks in their game.

I'm an honest man and i'll admit it brother I can't lie. I have boyish good looks, young looking face, non threatening look. The look that young teenage girls would probably love but I'm i'm my 30's now and women in my age group want guys "with an edge" not Justin Bieber pretty boys. I can't help it I got good genes and look younger than I really am. It shouldn't be a crutch with women but it is.

I had to change my look. Had to cut the long hair, stopped wearing sweaters, got some dress shoes, started dressing more "mature," grew facial hair even though I can't grow it that much but any is good and I don't care if it doesn't look "perfect" as long as it makes me look rougher. Almost instantly I could tell from the looks I got from women that I was giving a different vibe, a a more mature, sexual vibe rather than your average nice guy.

I'm telling you this stuff from experience. I had less than "desirable" or "below my standard" girls approach me, start conversations. Trust me on this a woman can smell a nice guy from a mile away. If I had been some hard rugged mean bad boy these type of girls would know their places and stay away.

I'm not saying to start treating fatties like crap but just take a look at yourself in the mirror and analyze what you see. Do you give off the vibe/do you look like a nice guy? Do your looks and attitude give off a vibe of a nice guy or a sexual beast/guy with an "edge?"

Be honest with yourself and make the necessary changes.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Cheers for the answers so far, guys. :)

f283000 said:
I'm an honest man and i'll admit it brother I can't lie. I have boyish good looks, young looking face, non threatening look.

Do you give off the vibe/do you look like a nice guy? Do your looks and attitude give off a vibe of a nice guy or a sexual beast/guy with an "edge?"

Good post man, appreciate the advice. On second thoughts, I think it could be my look that she's getting off on. If you didn't know me, I could be a nice guy. Okay, I dress well- I get compliments on my dress sense all the time: a girl compared my dress sense to this actor's the other day:

That said, like you I've always had a boyish look to my face. Young, non-threatening- you've said it all. I'm a little over average height (1m 78), and while I'm not skinny (I play university sport :)), I'm not huge at all. I imagine if I put on some muscle, the fatties would leave me alone.

I fully admit that my attitude used to be that of a "nice guy," but the sort of sexual response from girls that I quoted in the OP leads me to hope that this has changed for the better.

To the other guys who said they were getting hit on by fatties, is your look also boyish/ perhaps a little too slim?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 13, 2010
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Zarky said:
We've all been there bud. Date more women then you can "vine swing" to hotter and hotter chicks.
This also intrigues me as an idea. How many other people can testify to the girls they date getting hotter and hotter? Do you necessarily have to start with the less good looking girls (not necessarily the fatties, I hope :p)? From the preselection standpoint of more attractive girls, is being seen with any girl better than no girl at all?


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Bad boys date a ton of fatties. Bad boys and fatties tend to congregate and mate in the same areas (ghettos, barrios, trailer parks). Fatties love bad boys and the feeling is mutual.

Anyway, I'm nice to everyone until they aren't nice to me. Doesn't hurt my game at all.


Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
a fattie i will say hi to but wouldnt hang out with on a saturday night unless its for business.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
OnTheWayUp said:
This also intrigues me as an idea. How many other people can testify to the girls they date getting hotter and hotter? Do you necessarily have to start with the less good looking girls (not necessarily the fatties, I hope :p)? From the preselection standpoint of more attractive girls, is being seen with any girl better than no girl at all?
It works as a sort of confidence boost, you end a drought with a plain jane or a 6 & you bang her brains out, you use her as sort of a test dummy, you practice your game on her, you sex game everything & it will boost your confidence, meanwhile you start talking to other girls, you know you've got poon on call so you can take more risks, see what pays off, what doesn't & with who. If you're doing something like a sport or the game, knowing you have easy access to some head really brings out your A game, if done right you can improve dramatically mentally & somewhat physically(if you want to) & start climbing the ladder. I did it when I was 18.

& a natural I know, major pretty boy/bad boy fusion usually starts his sprees with a 6 or 7 to wear off the ring rust.