Now many get mistaken with Demonstrating Higher Value, they do it through words and body language.
Does it work?
Of course it works and you are going to have higher value, then those needy guys... BUT Naturals have a secret among there community, its that much of secret they dont know they are doing it and that is... They Demonstrate Higher Value SUBCONSCIOUSLY!
Think about this for a second, you started to learn your DHV routines and you are relaxing your body language, but it only works 70% of the time(better then nothing right?) Now naturals demonstrate higher value 99% of the time! Even if they dont get laid or get rejected, they still demonstrate that they have higher value then most guys!
And here's how..
When a natural walks into any social enviroment, he assumes he has higher value then everyone in the social setting! Thus women have a sixth sense to this and are easier to open up.
I reccomend anyone who hasnt read swinggcats, real world seduction ebook, to read it because it has great tips on how to view yourself has the prize.
But what many guru's dont show you is that you need to ASSUME you are of higher value!
My friend and i were discussing this, on how he see's the other guys in the bar.
He literally assumes he is 50 feet taller, then anyone in any social setting!
When he walks, he walks with pride and he does so by ASSUMING HE HAS VALUE thus he BECOMES HIGHER VALUE and women sense this off from a mile.
Now you need to assume and believe you have higher value then anyone, but you see your viewing the other guys has AMOGS and that's effecting the state of higher valueness. Because you are telling your brain that they are another ALPHA MALE, when you should be viewing them as SMALL NEEDY ANTS THAT YOU CAN CRUSH.
And as you think you are higher value, you shall become!
As you think you shall become - pook
Does it work?
Of course it works and you are going to have higher value, then those needy guys... BUT Naturals have a secret among there community, its that much of secret they dont know they are doing it and that is... They Demonstrate Higher Value SUBCONSCIOUSLY!
Think about this for a second, you started to learn your DHV routines and you are relaxing your body language, but it only works 70% of the time(better then nothing right?) Now naturals demonstrate higher value 99% of the time! Even if they dont get laid or get rejected, they still demonstrate that they have higher value then most guys!
And here's how..
When a natural walks into any social enviroment, he assumes he has higher value then everyone in the social setting! Thus women have a sixth sense to this and are easier to open up.
I reccomend anyone who hasnt read swinggcats, real world seduction ebook, to read it because it has great tips on how to view yourself has the prize.
But what many guru's dont show you is that you need to ASSUME you are of higher value!
My friend and i were discussing this, on how he see's the other guys in the bar.
He literally assumes he is 50 feet taller, then anyone in any social setting!
When he walks, he walks with pride and he does so by ASSUMING HE HAS VALUE thus he BECOMES HIGHER VALUE and women sense this off from a mile.
Now you need to assume and believe you have higher value then anyone, but you see your viewing the other guys has AMOGS and that's effecting the state of higher valueness. Because you are telling your brain that they are another ALPHA MALE, when you should be viewing them as SMALL NEEDY ANTS THAT YOU CAN CRUSH.
And as you think you are higher value, you shall become!
As you think you shall become - pook