How much will looks effect you if you are average/slight above average looking?


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
Lets say i am a 7 and i see a 9 or 10 white chick on the street and i find her sexy and want to approach her.However, a 9 or 10 is more likely to be attracted to someone who is on her level looks wise.I am black guy who is good looking but not great looking and i am into white chicks however when i see a really hot one i feel that i am at a disadvantage because a guy who is tall,blond hair blue eyes will have a greater chance.I came across an artice from Gunwitch that says you add your looks + effort and that will give you an idea of the women you will attract.For example i am a 7.
Looks 7 + 10 effort=17/2+8.5. So according to this, occasionally i will attract 8.5s if i put in 100% effort and mostly 6's and sometimes 7's.Does this sound accurate to you guys.The thing is i want to start going direct on women (Gunwitch Method)but i dont want to have a limiting belief which will make me want to approach 6's and 7's since i am only good looking but not great looking..I was thinking of wearing colored contacts and always dress nice so i can bump myself to an 8 so i can attract 7's and 8's..I am really confused right now


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Big City, Small Town
I don't know why some of you guys are hung up on your own looks. If you feel you are inferior from the start, then you will be inferior to the girl you approach. You already hand the advantage to the girl by knocking yourself down. Go up and approach her and use your game and if she isnt interested in you then she isnt worth your time. Looks do matter but if you are a cool guy that has status and can pique her interest then you already won. Some guys have to face the facts that if they dont look that good they won't be getting 8, 9, 10's and should accept that and go for women they can get. There are a lot of pick up artists that look like crap but they do get women because they have game. Or just have a lot of dough and you can get a lot of women regardless of looks lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Starkwell said:
I don't know why some of you guys are hung up on your own looks. If you feel you are inferior from the start, then you will be inferior to the girl you approach.
Agreed. These posts are tiresome. I don't even understand the end goal here? What if I tell you (lostsoul85) that you're a 7, so you can only date 7's? Are you gonna never look at 9's again?

You can go through any suburban mall in Smalltown, USA and find any collection of male 7's with female 9's. 5's with 6's. 7's with 5's. It's not like 10's only date other 10's. It's rare to see couples of equal beauty skipping through flower fields, happily ever after.

Put away your calculator and put yourself in the best position to succeed. That's all you can do, so that's all you should worry about.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
the goal is that i want to start using direct game to approach any women that i find sexually attractive but i am hurt by the statistical fact that great looking men will attract the women i am interested in going after easier than me(since i am good looking but not great looking)..I mean in the back of my mind when i approach a women..i hear that voice that says im only a 7..that really hurts