Lately I have been spending a lot of time reading up on women and its fairly unanimous that women are for the most part attracted to money and status. I decided to just face facts that I am not going to be a DJ and I just don't have DJ blood in me. What I do have going for me though is the money part, a successful career, college educated and general intelligence. I have thus far have still don't a piss poor job of attracting women and I am still missing the status part.
Now, am I'm not very wealthy (or some by some standards even wealthy). I almost make 6 figures, a little shy of it, drive a nice car (but not a exotic car), and a very nice apartment. I figure being only 27 years old thats very decent and it's only going to go up from here as I am still in school for my masters and will most likely be getting a significant promotion soon.
As I said I lack any kind of social status what-so-ever since I just graduated college 2 years ago and have not worked my way up the corporate ladder and have not met many influential people yet.
So my main question is basically how close am I to being desirable? How much salary do I need, what kind of car do I need to drive, and what kind of social position do I need to be in to attract women? Do I need so be some kind of wealthy philanthropist that's always in the news and known around town? Do I need to be in high management or a CEO of a small startup company? Maybe a politician? Where do I get the social status that I need?
Now, am I'm not very wealthy (or some by some standards even wealthy). I almost make 6 figures, a little shy of it, drive a nice car (but not a exotic car), and a very nice apartment. I figure being only 27 years old thats very decent and it's only going to go up from here as I am still in school for my masters and will most likely be getting a significant promotion soon.
As I said I lack any kind of social status what-so-ever since I just graduated college 2 years ago and have not worked my way up the corporate ladder and have not met many influential people yet.
So my main question is basically how close am I to being desirable? How much salary do I need, what kind of car do I need to drive, and what kind of social position do I need to be in to attract women? Do I need so be some kind of wealthy philanthropist that's always in the news and known around town? Do I need to be in high management or a CEO of a small startup company? Maybe a politician? Where do I get the social status that I need?