Nah. If Looks are all she's got, she's probably a thot.
Looks are only crucial for OLD, when that is all you can go by, initially.
With cold approach, looks help a bit, but body language and vibe are what's essential
(+ fitness/physique holds more weight here, regardless of looks.
Sexiness = How she carries herself, confidence, playfulness).
When it comes to social circles, other more important qualities shine.
Looks become totally irrelevant.
Ice Queens with zero personality are 0/10 in my book.
What matters is:
Self respect. This includes physical fitness, I'm not turned on by women who let themselves go.
Ability to communicate her needs and desires.
Calling me out on things that she has issue with, before it becomes a serious problem.
Character. Putting in effort, matching mine.
Willingness to step out of her comfort zone, even if she doesn't want to.
Not lying, cheating, etc.
Being an example for others.
Supporting me in what I find important, even if it's stuff she's not comfortable with.
- - - - -
Okay, an example from one of our social circles, there's this woman with a facial deformity, a birthmark.
Her portraits would be sub-five.
But she keeps in shape, runs regularly, eats sensibly, drinks only socially, a fit and trim body.
Works two jobs to make ends meet.
And she's stuck by her man, even though their marriage hit a rocky patch with him going through depression and having to work/travel interstate. She relocated temporarily to support him. I think they're over the worst now.
I've known other couples whose relationships don't survive living apart.
So she has high self respect and high character.
She probably could have plastic surgery or something to improve her facial appearance, but she doesn't need to.
I'd consider her a high value woman.