Recurring isssue Im facing. This is the 4th time this year that a plate said she cant just continue "****ing me"/ "doing this"/ "casual".
I realise this is a comfort test. And I probably broke the plate long back by failing to recognize the previous comfort tests.
For the future I could dangle the commitment carrot maybe salvage a **** or two out of it.
Twice I've been told overly that plate cant continue hooking up anymore. She doesnt know where her life is going and this stresses her out. She wants to stay in touch/be friends. Is this a **** test or was she looking for comfort?
From my reflections it was too cold (texting/calling literally for logistics) and one was nearing the wall so probably she wanted a stable beta bucks/marriage.
Last week another plate pulled this cant continue hooking up. I ignored it and hit her up normally after. Then she said she wants meet her friends, I dropped the plans. She bumped into me on thursday night (randomly hugging me from behind) and was touching me. Bantered for a bit before I brushed her off. Anyway I hit her after again and she agreed to meet up alone "Just as friends". This is a **** test according to me. Or a power play for a relationship (not happening right now).
I realise this is a comfort test. And I probably broke the plate long back by failing to recognize the previous comfort tests.
For the future I could dangle the commitment carrot maybe salvage a **** or two out of it.
Twice I've been told overly that plate cant continue hooking up anymore. She doesnt know where her life is going and this stresses her out. She wants to stay in touch/be friends. Is this a **** test or was she looking for comfort?
From my reflections it was too cold (texting/calling literally for logistics) and one was nearing the wall so probably she wanted a stable beta bucks/marriage.
Last week another plate pulled this cant continue hooking up. I ignored it and hit her up normally after. Then she said she wants meet her friends, I dropped the plans. She bumped into me on thursday night (randomly hugging me from behind) and was touching me. Bantered for a bit before I brushed her off. Anyway I hit her after again and she agreed to meet up alone "Just as friends". This is a **** test according to me. Or a power play for a relationship (not happening right now).