How Much B.S. is this Site ?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Information Overload.

The more you buy, the more information is thrown at you to show you how off mark you are. The more we've intellectualized life, the harder it seems to have become. Those who act and then feel for a moment's notice at least have the balls to enjoy it for what it is, life.

I care not for her site, because it seems to be 90% rambling, with about 10% truth. Entirely too much attention is paid to something that is NATURAL. I would advocate a few books to open one's mind to understanding themselves and thereby pushing their own limits.

Learning fake traits is like painting over a beat up car. Acting "as if" is fine, if you're doing the work to be "as". Read: PsychoCybernetics and learn to crawl outside of your traditional ways of thinking.

Personally, I think most guy's who are self-proclaimed AFC's would be instantaneous successes with women if they'd quiet their left brain down and listen to their right brain/internal spirit. That little guy inside who's squeaking to get out knows the answers, but you're trying to "think" throw what you''ve seen or read or heard.

The rest comes in time. You want more Hb10's. Workout. Get your life in order. There's, believe it or not, a logical place for all this. Hb10's have a lot to offer physically, and that's what we men base our mating decision on. I mean, how many guys truly care about a womans occupation if she has a decent head on her beautiful shoulders? 0.

"When you're comfortable with who you truly are, day-to-day, with where you're going, and what you're doing, the ability to communicate and interact with people is purely natural. Assuming 1 game or 1 strategy assumes that you KNOW upfront how they'd respond. What if they'd respond to you naturally because they're already physically attracted? What games are necessary? None."

I think what David D does have going is how REAL he is. C&F is just labeling the playful attitude you should have with girls. Lighten up. We're all gonne die someday. This mating, don't take any BS. (But have some leeway, you ain't Brad Pitt). He shows you the "top" view of how a species goes through it. Once you realize that, you can beat it, if you want to.

I do agree with her statements on Alpha Males. I have friends who lash out like that, and have even picked fights with me on hair-trigger tempers, only to quell their issues. More of its lashing out from childhood issues, but it simply shows they have but one tool to fix any problem. Worse off, they show how badly even life's little oddities can bother them, how will they do if something bigger came up? I seem them more as immature, than as mature dominant creatures. Trying to subjugate anyone with violence begets nothing, for their's always a bigger fish, be it legal means or not, you don't know who you're going up against.


The N.O.S

Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
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Entirely too much attention is paid to something that is NATURAL. here you are VERY wrong, believe me ;)

). He shows you the "top" view of how a species goes through it. he shows *uck.. 'cause he have ZERO understanding how it works (I judge from what I've red. and I red almost all at that time..)

I do agree with her statements on Alpha Males. I have friends who lash out like that, and have even picked fights with me on hair-trigger tempers, only to quell their issues. how you can agree, if you even haven't red. :) (I can say that, from what you wrote about "Alpha male".)

That's your choice... Just keep in mind, that I've came through all SoSuaving, DeAngelo'ing ;), fast seduction, NLP bull****... So I know what I'm talking.

Just some guys here, are too lazy ASS to take some time to read all that (or theyr Egos have been inflated too much with "Women don't know what they are talking" ;) don't that looks strange, that Davon, Ross and others keeps repeating that?) Now just imagine situation, where women says "Men don't know a shyt about, how to pick up-them, so listen...". What if not mens can tell about that? :) Just we can tell, what turns us on, not women. that's the same with women. BUT there's other thing, like NATURAL attraction (yeah, you can just see a girl, and know if she likes you. No need for foolish tricks, then if she don't reacts MORE trics, then questioning what've went wrong, then all answering, that maybe you didn't enough KINO :D and so on... when only one REAL reason why all didn't work out, was that SHE DIDN'T like you from the BEGINNIG :D But yeah... we must secure our Egos, so we say "Oh *uck her, she's just another byatch, or golddigger, it's her loss..." :) ) Ego things, polaritys, and so on...

If guy talks once with a girl, then accidentally spits on her, and she SOMEHOW all evening acts nice and warm, he runs to PC, and writes new Topic "Hey guys, new tactic called "SPITTING"" :D... that's ridicukous, isn't it? Just again one rason WHY she reacted nice, was that she liked that guy... no tactics, no fkin mind-trics, you DON'T need that.
And that's an example of principle how a lot of info've been created here...

Peace yo.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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Just read this thing, wow.

Whoever said it's 90% rambling and 10% truth is right. she could have easily expressed her point in half the space. Still, she is very smart and does have a lot of great points. Seriously, read it up to the end, I think her theory of attraction is prolly the best one I've read. She basically states that women, just like men figure out in the first few seconds of seeing you whether they'd sleep with you or not based on your attraction, and that the only thing you have to do after that is not blow it. It's very simple. After living with girls for a long while, I agree with this 100%.

The N.O.S

Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
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Whoever said it's 90% rambling and 10% truth is right. my reaction was the same first time. :D But there's not just about mating, there's is some other things, which even looks unbelieveable at first ('till you understand)..
May 17, 2004
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she claims there are No b1tchy women in the world, she says that if any woman you have a relationship with, complains all day AND puts you down, she wants you to be very masculine ...MALENESS IS what she preaches ... she wants you to call her on it ...

in my experience testing you is one thing ...sane women do that and stop after you call her on her b.s.

but women with bad attitudes do it all the time no matter what
May 17, 2004
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Originally posted by The N.O.S
Whoever said it's 90% rambling and 10% truth is right. my reaction was the same first time. :D But there's not just about mating, there's is some other things, which even looks unbelieveable at first ('till you understand)..
what other things? .... haven't seen it yet please tell me ... where is it ...

" 'till u understand " thats what most bad teachers at college told me all time... ull understand it with time (he or she isn't skillful enough to explain it.... )

and she also says that the mating dance is sooo simple ... why she rambles so much to explain simplicity ?:rolleyes:

The N.O.S

Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
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she claims there are No b1tchy women in the world, she says that if any woman you have a relationship with, complains all day AND puts you down, she wants you to be very masculine ...MALENESS IS what she preaches ... she wants you to call her on it ... you are very categoric... there isn't just that.

what other things? .... haven't seen it yet please tell me ... where is it ... when you read it ALL, (even few times) the view starts to brighten up. Info there isn't just about mating, there's is other interesting things, like polaritys, MANIFESTATION, dynamics, REALIZATION (of ALL)... Of course... maybe it isn't interesting to others... But all that are closely coorelated with human mating.

ull understand it with time (he or she isn't skillful enough to explain it.... ) heh... try to explain for someone, who isn't related with matematics what is reduction or similar... ;) It's simple, but for being it simple, you must understand some other things.

Another thing, why there's a lot of explanation, 'cause she explains THE CORE things. Ofcourse it'd be very simple to write "Man and women mate naturally, so you need just don't f-uck it up".. ;) But others would want some arguments for that, so there is MORE than enough. (even I explained whay Ross or David technics are pure Bullshyt in short post, just put Ego aside, and have some common sense.. ;) ).

When I've fpund that site after more then a year going through "jedi-mind-tricks" my Ego just SHOUTED "Bullshyt, women, etc...", and I even created a thread with "This site is a shYt, and I tell you why". of course, I was like those, who write here - I didn't read that. :D :D When I patiently red that... WHOOOOOW, that was a shock...
May 17, 2004
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Originally posted by The N.O.S
she claims there are No b1tchy women in the world, she says that if any woman you have a relationship with, complains all day AND puts you down, she wants you to be very masculine ...MALENESS IS what she preaches ... she wants you to call her on it ... you are very categoric... there isn't just that.

go to the dumbass guide to scoring lesson 10
May 17, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by The N.O.S
she claims there are No b1tchy women in the world, she says that if any woman you have a relationship with, complains all day AND puts you down, she wants you to be very masculine ...MALENESS IS what she preaches ... she wants you to call her on it ... you are very categoric... there isn't just that.

what other things? .... haven't seen it yet please tell me ... where is it ... when you read it ALL, (even few times) the view starts to brighten up. Info there isn't just about mating, there's is other interesting things, like polaritys, MANIFESTATION, dynamics, REALIZATION (of ALL)... Of course... maybe it isn't interesting to others... But all that are closely coorelated with human mating.

ull understand it with time (he or she isn't skillful enough to explain it.... ) heh... try to explain for someone, who isn't related with matematics what is reduction or similar... ;) It's simple, but for being it simple, you must understand some other things.

Another thing, why there's a lot of explanation, 'cause she explains THE CORE things. Ofcourse it'd be very simple to write "Man and women mate naturally, so you need just don't f-uck it up".. ;) But others would want some arguments for that, so there is MORE than enough. (even I explained whay Ross or David technics are pure Bullshyt in short post, just put Ego aside, and have some common sense.. ;) ).

When I've fpund that site after more then a year going through "jedi-mind-tricks" my Ego just SHOUTED "Bullshyt, women, etc...", and I even created a thread with "This site is a shYt, and I tell you why". of course, I was like those, who write here - I didn't read that. :D :D When I patiently red that... WHOOOOOW, that was a shock...
what have you done with her stuff ?

I like her stuff somehow but I think theres way too much misinformation there...

I'd like to print it all but theres way too much info ...cannot make books out of it ......

Books and tapes is what made from the Dj bible and other stuff on the net.

did you print it and made books? .... just asking if its worth doing it since Im reading her stuff for the first time and Im almost finished

The N.O.S

Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
go to the dumbass guide to scoring lesson 10 site doesn't end by that ;)

For book thing... no really, I'm just comfortable with reading it on the net. Yeah, that sucks at first, but later I got used to it...

I like her stuff somehow but I think theres way too much misinformation there... don't be in rush with judging... ;)