Information Overload.
The more you buy, the more information is thrown at you to show you how off mark you are. The more we've intellectualized life, the harder it seems to have become. Those who act and then feel for a moment's notice at least have the balls to enjoy it for what it is, life.
I care not for her site, because it seems to be 90% rambling, with about 10% truth. Entirely too much attention is paid to something that is NATURAL. I would advocate a few books to open one's mind to understanding themselves and thereby pushing their own limits.
Learning fake traits is like painting over a beat up car. Acting "as if" is fine, if you're doing the work to be "as". Read: PsychoCybernetics and learn to crawl outside of your traditional ways of thinking.
Personally, I think most guy's who are self-proclaimed AFC's would be instantaneous successes with women if they'd quiet their left brain down and listen to their right brain/internal spirit. That little guy inside who's squeaking to get out knows the answers, but you're trying to "think" throw what you''ve seen or read or heard.
The rest comes in time. You want more Hb10's. Workout. Get your life in order. There's, believe it or not, a logical place for all this. Hb10's have a lot to offer physically, and that's what we men base our mating decision on. I mean, how many guys truly care about a womans occupation if she has a decent head on her beautiful shoulders? 0.
"When you're comfortable with who you truly are, day-to-day, with where you're going, and what you're doing, the ability to communicate and interact with people is purely natural. Assuming 1 game or 1 strategy assumes that you KNOW upfront how they'd respond. What if they'd respond to you naturally because they're already physically attracted? What games are necessary? None."
I think what David D does have going is how REAL he is. C&F is just labeling the playful attitude you should have with girls. Lighten up. We're all gonne die someday. This mating, don't take any BS. (But have some leeway, you ain't Brad Pitt). He shows you the "top" view of how a species goes through it. Once you realize that, you can beat it, if you want to.
I do agree with her statements on Alpha Males. I have friends who lash out like that, and have even picked fights with me on hair-trigger tempers, only to quell their issues. More of its lashing out from childhood issues, but it simply shows they have but one tool to fix any problem. Worse off, they show how badly even life's little oddities can bother them, how will they do if something bigger came up? I seem them more as immature, than as mature dominant creatures. Trying to subjugate anyone with violence begets nothing, for their's always a bigger fish, be it legal means or not, you don't know who you're going up against.
The more you buy, the more information is thrown at you to show you how off mark you are. The more we've intellectualized life, the harder it seems to have become. Those who act and then feel for a moment's notice at least have the balls to enjoy it for what it is, life.
I care not for her site, because it seems to be 90% rambling, with about 10% truth. Entirely too much attention is paid to something that is NATURAL. I would advocate a few books to open one's mind to understanding themselves and thereby pushing their own limits.
Learning fake traits is like painting over a beat up car. Acting "as if" is fine, if you're doing the work to be "as". Read: PsychoCybernetics and learn to crawl outside of your traditional ways of thinking.
Personally, I think most guy's who are self-proclaimed AFC's would be instantaneous successes with women if they'd quiet their left brain down and listen to their right brain/internal spirit. That little guy inside who's squeaking to get out knows the answers, but you're trying to "think" throw what you''ve seen or read or heard.
The rest comes in time. You want more Hb10's. Workout. Get your life in order. There's, believe it or not, a logical place for all this. Hb10's have a lot to offer physically, and that's what we men base our mating decision on. I mean, how many guys truly care about a womans occupation if she has a decent head on her beautiful shoulders? 0.
"When you're comfortable with who you truly are, day-to-day, with where you're going, and what you're doing, the ability to communicate and interact with people is purely natural. Assuming 1 game or 1 strategy assumes that you KNOW upfront how they'd respond. What if they'd respond to you naturally because they're already physically attracted? What games are necessary? None."
I think what David D does have going is how REAL he is. C&F is just labeling the playful attitude you should have with girls. Lighten up. We're all gonne die someday. This mating, don't take any BS. (But have some leeway, you ain't Brad Pitt). He shows you the "top" view of how a species goes through it. Once you realize that, you can beat it, if you want to.
I do agree with her statements on Alpha Males. I have friends who lash out like that, and have even picked fights with me on hair-trigger tempers, only to quell their issues. More of its lashing out from childhood issues, but it simply shows they have but one tool to fix any problem. Worse off, they show how badly even life's little oddities can bother them, how will they do if something bigger came up? I seem them more as immature, than as mature dominant creatures. Trying to subjugate anyone with violence begets nothing, for their's always a bigger fish, be it legal means or not, you don't know who you're going up against.