As a reader of this web site, I assume you want to have your pick of attractive women for sex, a relationship, or both. If that is truly one of the things you want, why haven’t achieved your goal? Why do you continuously fail, and each time question your abilities or even your self-worth as a person?
If you truly wish to succeed with women, you can’t rely on what you already know. Because in reality, you know little or nothing that is of any use. You must throw away the past, even if you enjoyed marginal success. You may not realize it, but such success was accidental. Put simply, you got lucky. However, succeeding with women has nothing to do with luck, but everything to do with skill.
But how do you become skilled enough to succeed? Success doesn’t come from simply studying the theoretical principles of being a DJ. If doing so was enough, everyone who reads this site would never need to come back. But you’re back again and again, still unable to achieve success with women. What you need to understand is that all of the DJ philosophies in the world will be useless unless you prepare yourself both physically and mentally to be able to put them into practice. Put another way, you need to maximize your physical appearance and become educated about things in which beautiful women would be interested.
Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Take a good long look. Look closely at your body. If you were a beautiful woman, would you sleep with the guy in the mirror? Chances are the answer is no. Likewise, think about what you know, namely, do you have a command of current events, modern and classical literature, or anything that would be of interest to a beautiful woman. If you were a beautiful woman, would you want to have a long talk with you over a candlelight dinner or before a roaring fireplace? Chances are again the answer is no.
You cannot become that which you desire unless you are willing to pay the price to set yourself up for success. How much are you willing to pay?
[This message has been edited by Sting (edited 02-03-2002).]
If you truly wish to succeed with women, you can’t rely on what you already know. Because in reality, you know little or nothing that is of any use. You must throw away the past, even if you enjoyed marginal success. You may not realize it, but such success was accidental. Put simply, you got lucky. However, succeeding with women has nothing to do with luck, but everything to do with skill.
But how do you become skilled enough to succeed? Success doesn’t come from simply studying the theoretical principles of being a DJ. If doing so was enough, everyone who reads this site would never need to come back. But you’re back again and again, still unable to achieve success with women. What you need to understand is that all of the DJ philosophies in the world will be useless unless you prepare yourself both physically and mentally to be able to put them into practice. Put another way, you need to maximize your physical appearance and become educated about things in which beautiful women would be interested.
Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Take a good long look. Look closely at your body. If you were a beautiful woman, would you sleep with the guy in the mirror? Chances are the answer is no. Likewise, think about what you know, namely, do you have a command of current events, modern and classical literature, or anything that would be of interest to a beautiful woman. If you were a beautiful woman, would you want to have a long talk with you over a candlelight dinner or before a roaring fireplace? Chances are again the answer is no.
You cannot become that which you desire unless you are willing to pay the price to set yourself up for success. How much are you willing to pay?
[This message has been edited by Sting (edited 02-03-2002).]