bigneil said:
Here we go again with the "if she cares I'm broke she's a ho" theory. Women are hard coded to seek resources the same way men are hard coded to seek youth and fertility. That maximizes the number of offspring who survive.
And how much do you want to bet I'm better looking than you are as well?
The guy with a penchant for strippers (well known to be gold digging skanks) should not be trying to school other men on who quality women will date.
I stand by my earlier post. There are good women out there who are unconcerned with money. I recently dated a woman such as this. She treated me well, didnt care that I wasnt rich...and really only cared about how we clicked. But I cut her lose because I didnt feel we matched up well enough for the long term.
She was a good woman though.
And whats with this quip about you thinking you are better looking than me? Im quite a bit younger than you, Ive got long hair, and a body that makes women wet. So lets not go there. You always go on and on, trying to say women (especially younger women) want older guys like you who have resources. You seem to have an ego issue and want to prove something to yourself. You always look for a way to put down guys who dont attract women the same way you do, and put down women who are drawn to men who are much different from you.
If you are so good looking and so desirable, why do you date women most guys here would consider low quality? You also always try to minimize the reality that women do date men because of how their personalities click or because how their bodies click in bed. Ive had women date me for the sex and/or because we got along so well. Even when I was in college or after college when I had trouble finding work, I still found good women to date.
When you are attractive and fun to be around, thats what happens. You can find women who dont put a premium on resources. And the reality is, I dont want to a date a woman who cares about what I own. Im not trying to find a wife. Im trying to have fun. I get women by being fun, honest, interesting, and fit.