A lot of constructive comments here. It's sort of like when I was killing it in the gym just trying to get as big as possible. Once I reached my lifting goals and desired size I was like, "okay, what now???" I wasn't trying to compete and honestly it wasn't doing me much good. In fact it was only adding to the player title women had assigned me.
Getting laid is getting laid. 1 or 100, it really makes no difference and at the end of the day you're left with..."okay, what now??" If you end up 39 years old like me and alone, than all the numbers in the world will not fill the void that only "1" good quality woman can.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with sewing your wild oat/seed, but if you miss the objective of taking those experiences in order to filter trash from quality, and taking your physical experiences to translate them into something you can offer your future wife, then really you're just spinning your wheels.
If you're younger than me and think otherwise, just keep doing it and wait till your 39, and then you'll fully understand where I'm coming from.
There's a common belief that 10-15% of the guys are getting 80-85% of the women. Even the trash women are able to get laid easier than 85% of the male population, hence they can afford to be picky. If the lower quality women were being had by "the average guy" there wouldn't be such a proliferation of websites specifically aimed at men on how to get "the girl". There are very few if any websites aimed at women on how to get the guy due to the natural order of pursuer vs. damsel.
There is a particular formula that certain men have perfected, and while it includes personality, looks, money, clothes, career, etc...there's a certain balance of all these that appeals to women's biological desire for the best provider. My best friend is a great example of someone who appears to have many of these traits, but just can't seem to pull. He makes great money, drives a brand new 5-series BMW, works out, has a brand new 4k sqft home...he taught me how to dress to impress years ago...and yet he's struggling.
So the number count is nothing more than a testament that you as the pursuer are doing something correct, but what you do with it is another story.
As much as some here are in disbelief that 200+ is even real, I was actually in disbelief that anything less than 50 exists. It's all very relative to where you live and the availability of willing females. Phoenix is the 6th largest US city, so of course opportunity is ripe, but in Bismarck North Dakota, you might be running out of opportunities within a year and then having your name blacklisted by all the women in the city due to population density.
I think if you've been with 1 and you married her and things have worked out...you win. If you've had 50 and found the 1...you win. If you've had none or a million and you can't seem to find ANY fit, it's time to look inside (myself included).