Ryan, acne is curable, skinny is changeable....you have to believe me on this...
If you feel skinny go to the gym, work out everyday....do it so much that when you miss 2 days at the gym you feel like your falling apart, eat all the time, it is one of the greatest life changes i've ever made, incorporate it.....when i first started going i felt soooo out of place, "what am i doing here, why am i even among these muscle clowns." andnow i am a muscle clown, so what? whats wrong with that? WHY NOT ME? The more i started going the more i started talking to the muscle clowns and realized they weren't just egomaniac wrestler types with "meathead thought processes" but men who had developed a way of thinking that was to conquer set goals for the day and challenge themselves by pushing it to the limit, not just looking good naked. And they really could care less about anything else going on in the gym there's no aweful top 40 music, no hot girls toning beside them, no stains on the ceiling.....there is only themselves, the weight, and the goal.
Now i go to the free-weights, i push myself, i grunt, i ask for spots andi go there with the mindset of lifting as much as i possibly can....I see the 35-50 year old lanky douchebags doing workouts with their aweful form and 80's windpants staring and judging me but who gives a rats ass about them. they don't try, they stand around and critique .....there judgement of me is like a gift offered that i don't accept. Let them swim in the kiddy pool of mediocrity, i have mountains to climb.......i'm not there yet, but the fact of the matter is that one day i WILL be