The fact you people continue to call it a vacccine is the root cause of the problem. If the media called it what it actually is, a new, "experimental" gene therapy, that's not approved, animals died in trials, doesn't protect you and you have to sign away your legal rights to sue the company, would you still take it? Most of what you posted is false. Thread after thread you try from your heart to help people but the mind control is embedded too deep into the brain to wake them up.
Hydroxychloroquine & zinc stops rona in it's tracks. When Dr's all over the world said there is zero reason for the shot cause we have the meds to cure it, they censored them all. Same Dr's treated thousands of rona patients without a single death. One Dr asked the politicians to take a drug test to prove they're all taking it but telling the world it's dangerous & ineffective cause it goes against their narrative.
The creator of Mrna tech was banned from Twitterr recently for telling people that shedding from the shot is real. A Fox reporter just blew the whistle yesterday and mentioned their station censored the truth about Hydroxychloroquine. You even had a Googlee engineer caught on camera saying they're controlling peoples minds, thoughts and decision making. It's down right scary how much control big tech has. Not a single person I know can find the truth. That makes the ones who can look crazy (all stragicall planned that way, to divide us).
MIRROR SOURCE: Stew Peters Show: BOMBSHELL REVELATION! Dr. Jane Ruby continues to search for connections, and she continues to deliver. Her recent discovery...
Video taken from Aurora Ray. - Mainstream sensation: Sky News reports that airlines are telling customers not to fly if they are vaccinated, citing Uncut news! Then he talks about vaccinations as a medical experiment and that cryptocurrencies are the way out of increasing centralization and the...
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My question is this. How come you can see what's really going on, but the other 90% can't? It's been obvious from the 1st month what the real agenda was. That's only because I spent many years digging into the Illuminati & NWO. It's another inside job (Bush Jr) like 9/11 to further strip away our freedoms and usher in the NWO (more control).
I told everyone in my circle Fraudci was a freemason Illuminati puppet scam artist from the get go. His past aside it was obvious with all the hand sign masons do. They have to do it cause it's part of their religion. Symbolism in plane sight to mock us. The emails come out a year later and boom, America got bamboozled by some douche nozzle who already committed genocide with the AZT drug. Yet the sheeple still trust the scammer after he's been exposed. He even wrote an article (if im not mistaken) back on 07 that said Hydroxychloroquine works wonders for coronaa.
I have a couple Dr's in my family who are zombies. One bragged they administered over 500 shots. When I tell them it's not a vaxxx, not approved, ect, they tell me I don't know what I'm talking about it. At the Dr office last month I got lost looking for the door number to my Dr. On the way back I saw one nurse outside the shot room. I asked her if she tells her patients before they take the shot that its not a vaxxx, not approved and they sign away their right to sue the company should any adverse effects occur. Another nurse overheard us and they both said I was wrong. When I started to explain it all in great detail I could see their jaws drop. They both said they were going to do some research on what I told them. These Dr's all are so clueless. Not the least bit surprising as America's Dr's are nothing more than drug pushing idiots thanks to the Rockefellers.
I'm really tempted to make a thread to show a list of the scientists, people on the inside, drug makers, ex pharma reps and who knows how many more who were wacked in order to keep their scammdemic from being exposed. One of the most important deaths was the PCR test inventor Kary Mullis. The PCR test was the golden key to inflate the numbers. They could not have gotten the outcome they wanted without it. Like you mentioned the test is around 90% false positive. There was some Dr's who told patients if it's positive, just take it again tomorrow and eventually it will show negative as they know it's a scam. I mean a virus so deadly you have to get tested to even know you have it? No bio-hazard trash bins to dispose masks?