Wait till they start making you prove you have been vaccinated before you can go about your normal life.
Sadly they are doing it in my home country Denmark already it is f'cking scary. You cannot go out and get a haircut at the hair dresser or have beer with your buddies unless you can show your retarded covid passport which power-hungry PM Mette Frederiksen has pushed hard for and have implemented.
It's worse than Eastern Germany and the stasti secret police control; all those that has not taken the jab is now sub-class second citizens with no rights. you cannot even take a freaking city bus or the metro. (
But hey its your free choice to not take the shot they say). People are so desperate that they submit and take the shot just so they "
can live normal life's again" and so they accept the crazy conditions. But that is probably exactly her intension and part of her strategy in her frenzy for more power.
This is totally crazy and a full breach on both our law written liberty rights and and privacy rights in the Danish constitution. It has no place in a democratic society and a free nation in the western world. People that have opposed her and made demonstrations etc. about this /against her and her politics have been arrested and put to jail. They even made a pandemic law which gives you double the normal sentence time for opposing her and her policies. So instead of 5 years in jail you get 10 if you are pleaded guilty by the judge.
It is the end of days. R.I.P. Denmark.
To quote Benjamin Franklin on liberty and freedom of speech:
“Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins. Republics…derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination into the action of the magistrates.”
On Freedom of Speech and the Press” Pennsylvania Gazette, November 17, 1737.
Benjamin Franklin
Luckily for me I live in Sweden at the moment where they haven't started this nonsense yet. Hopefully they never will.
It is about time for people in the free world to standup and fight for their liberty rights that our forefathers have fought and died for like in this video clip from the move "The Network" is sort of about:
But people probably won't because they are so scared already.