Eventually, if you keep on it. Might take some time, but usually the's lots of cool guys and gals there.
Now one thing I wouldn't mention if it wasn't for the shield of anonymity. For young and lonely zoomer generation guys I would really recommend grappling:
Wrestling, MMA, BJJ, nogi bjj, judo, sambo whatever.
Because that is awesome way give and receive human touch and physical closeness(with men and women) and getting used to it. Bit like dancing classes actually. This is actually really good for your mental wellbeing and makes you feel less needy.
Getting physically close to and touching another person might feel uncomfortable at first if you have never really done it except by you parents when you were kid.
Getting used to it will actually make your initial seduction kino much more congruent and non "weird and icky".
Just don't chit were you eat. No weird eye contact or comments in closed guard goddamnit!