Happy to answer this one... Zero.
When you can easily recognise that no amount of 'game' can fix your issues, which is where I'm at,
then it seems fairly pointless filling my time learning it. Tricking my way into someone's underwear
was never my style anyway. I'd need to want to reach the destination first and I'm pretty 'meh' about
the whole sex thing so the motivation is pretty low in any case.
I prefer to put time in on improving my finances, usually for about 60-70 hours a week. It's
not all clocked in arduous shift work though, I have a couple of property deals in progress too
and a tenant eviction underway all of which require a fair bit of time doing admin when I'm not
at work. There's a lot of money for me tied up in those properties. This should be a priority for
me way beyond trying to convince the girls at work to sleep with me.