Online dating in my experience is a waste of time. I've only hooked up with two chicks off of tinder in a few years of on and off using it, sites like POF & okc is a needle in a haystack when it comes to finding anything worth pursuing. My self confidence is below average, but I'd say my body is top 5% of what's out there. I haven't hit the online stuff hard because I'd rather talk to people in person. Girls are super confident behind the comfort of a screen, but you see how they truly operate face to face. To the OP, don't stress not getting messages on these platforms. Most of the chicks there are only looking for an ego boost.
I once had a friend who had broken up with her boyfriend & she told me that she'd never find anyone again..looking back I should have acted on her vulnerability because she has some of the best tits I've ever seen. I told her to make a POF profile, to upload a few pics that she liked best (preferably ones showing some of that chest of hers) & to log off and check it in the morning. She called me the following day and said she had more than 200 messages in less than 12 hours. Most of the time unless you stand out like crazy a lot of these girls don't even see your
message because they frequently get so many. The chick I told to make the profile did end up meeting a guy on there though and got engaged this past Xmas, so I'm glad it worked out for her..kinda pissed at myself I never got to take her for a ride though haha
I've never tried the pay for sites like match, or adult friend finder but I'd like to think you're better off just using online as a supplemental way to meet chicks instead of doing it solely that way. I haven't tried getting professional pics done, or redoing my profiles to see if it makes a difference, but maybe one day I will. I personally just prefer talking to people face to face.
Don't take no responses personal, it happens to everyone. Out of every 100 messages you send, maybe 3-5 will reply with something of substance/value. Just focus on working on yourself and the rest will fall into place.