I'll put it in perspective for you. Here, we could own semi auto centrefires, shotguns, rimfires until 1996. Now all centrefire/rimfire semi autos are licensed virtually only to government agencies. Some auto shotgun under grandfathering, only for clay shooting no hunting.
All now registered since 1996. Legislation says self defence is an invalid reason for ownership.
Handgun only for target, must be club member, restricted as to type, mag etc. Regular club attendance mandatory. Nil criminal record mandatory.
We still have the same anti nut jobs which you have. They get their ideas from your nut jobs and regurgitate them here. If you want to live like we do, you can listen to these people who know nothing about life and who distrust their fellow citizens. I call them fearful idiots. They got what they asked for in 96, but they still keep wanting more.
So, whatever you give them, they will want more and more, until in the end, you will have nothing more to give them. Now, here, we have the distinction of having the only 2 legislators in the entire world and the only single issue party on this issue in the entire world, because we had to, to protect ourselves from these people.