DarthAngel707 said:
Lol all you guys that scored a 90+, you guys are PROUD of it?
And its not that hard to control the test to a 100 which begs the question are you guys REALLY 90+?
If so, most people will see right through your veneer of civility and not want to have anything to do with you. People are smart and will detect instantly that you guys will use them which will lead to ppl forming the impression that you are an opportunist leaving you guys with no friends which will then make you write another KJ/complaint post on sosuave. Am I right? =)
If we were to control the test to 100, why didn't we? It must mean we took the test truthfully. Plus thinking about controling the test to score 100 is quite Machiavellian in its own right.
Saying that no one would want to be our friends is incorrect, hell, even the test at the end says invite high-machs to your next party. We're charming, we're confident, and we know how to act socially. However those who score under 40 also known as "Low-Machs" tend to be submissive and socially inept. To me that sounds like the type of people without friends. Why? Because people will always want to be friends with someone that can provide them something. High-Machs provide that, Low Machs can not. Its the driving principal behind celebrity magazines and worship. We all want to be their friends because they would provide us with something that we don't have. It has nothing to do with intelligence but much more to do with desire.
And being an oppurtunist is not a bad thing. My life is much richer than those who play it safe and don't jump on an oppurtunity. This does not make us sociopaths with no disregard for others. We just understand human nature.
And to answer your final question Darth; No, you are not right. You're wrong. It will be the Low-Machs writing the kj/complaint posts. Because these are the socially-inept people who join this community to learn from High-Machs like Kontroller X and the many others on here that I am sure are High-Machs but haven't taken this test.