How long to get good natural style?


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
I recently dropped all routine game and have decided to be completly natural going into sets with nothing on my mind and so far its been horrible. I go blank like crazy and my mind starts to scatter for routines but I force myself not to. There are tons of awkward moments when I go in without routines and what im basically trying to find out is how long will it take for me to become good at natural game?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
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Where I be at
Check out anything from RSD.
They switched to natural game and the **** is TIGHT.

The Blueprint Decoded is key.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
Yea I already have that program thats why I decided to transition into natural game and it was a disaster I want to figure out how long it will take to become good with natural game.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
besides your mind going blank, what are you sticking points?

also, have you had any one success yet, where you were just "on" and everything felt easy?


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
ready123 said:
besides your mind going blank, what are you sticking points?

also, have you had any one success yet, where you were just "on" and everything felt easy?
I have had nights where im on but I was using routines on those nights. My major sticking point with natural would be holding attraction where as with routine based this was not a problem. The sets were just not interested in what I had to say I felt like I was taking value instead of giving value, I didnt really know how to give value with natural style. It was tough night so much so I stopped after set 3 because I was really uncalibrated with natural style but im gunna keep trying.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when your in set you feel like you have to do something in order to get a woman attracted.

I've never done any routine based game in the traditional sense, but I have a feeling when you come from that side of the fence going natural is hardier for the simple fact that your mind is wired to believe that you have to be doing something in order to get her attracted.

In my journal I explained how my game is...

It's really eye opening because when you go up knowing your values and going into set not thinking. It's like they automatically become attracted because your just flowing. Actually listen, and actually stand there and just look at her, while being 100% comfortable. She'll kino you, laugh, etc...


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
I can relate to what your saying, ive always felt that when I go in I have to attract and now with natural its like you go in and if you think about attracting her your finished because you get in your head which is what happened to me. When I opened it went well but then after that I sat there in silence and game over. I wanted to go into rapport after that but I had no attraction.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
When your doing natural game...attract phase and rapport phase it's like a gray area. It's weird because when your used to gaming routine based or using all those techniques and stuff it's like your constantly doing something to keep them there.

When I go natural there are a few things I realized
- The woman gets sucked into your reality so everything she is giving you is a reflection of how you feel
- If you purposely hold silence and ride with it, it creates tension and she will kino you and laugh. I've yet to see a chick not laugh and kino me
- She is trying to find out how she can win you over, she will start qualifying herself a lot.
- When you open attraction tends to happen within seconds

I tend to notice while in set I'm not talking about much, but when she does hit some of my values then it sort of naturally gets my attention. It's like you and her can feel that spike and she knows your screening her, but it's not a tactic or anything like qualification it's real.

Something I had posted about in my journal was...going up to chicks and interacting with them with the purpose of seeing if they have any of your values.

For me I approached her for two or more of these reasons...
A. Female Beauty - She is physically attractive, because I value women who are pretty and keep themselves pretty
B. Female Sexuality - Her movements and dress code is so graceful, there is just sexual energy swirling around her
C. Interesting/Intriguing - There is something interesting or intriguing about them, whether it's there clothing, something they have, something there doing, etc.
D. Are they fun? - If I'm bored I go in because I want to see if there fun

I really value those things so when I go up, it's not only because she was a girl, she's hot and I was going around sarging. All these little subtle things women can sense them.

ESPECIALLY if you have an outcome in mind, even the most subtle outcome they can feel. I remember the week after my peak moment in my game, I started trying to revalidate myself and got blown out all week.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
Where I be at
domino said:
Yea I already have that program thats why I decided to transition into natural game and it was a disaster I want to figure out how long it will take to become good with natural game.
That depends on how long you go out.

People who take RSD bootcamps and are FORCED to go out and open 20+ sets per night can have their lives totally changed in 3 days.

It's all about dedication.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Inner game + experiance = natural game


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
For starters, don't call them sets. Don't use this "PUA" lingo.

Get the hell away from this board and the computer in general and just go out and LIVE LIFE. Crank up the tunes, roll down your windows, and have some fun. Everything else should come in time.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Actually MooseGod I would consider myself on the path to a 'natural' now. I wouldn't have got there without the website. Unless you consider an AFC a natural :p I do see where you are coming from though. The thing is being a natural is a not about beliefs and 'inner game', and because of sosuave my 'DJ beliefs' are hardwired. Things like being able to walk away, assuming attraction and being naturally c/f come easily.

ChrizZ posted a great article on natural game here.

There are also two more great articles I found thanks to ready123 here and here.

I've seen Englightened Seduction by Zan (refreshing to watch) and it does seem like natural game is all about beliefs and vibe. I thing is you need experiance to be able to get all the skills like conversation etc and cement some of your beliefs.

Thats my couple cents, but I'm sure a lot of guys here know more about it than me.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
You have to practice.

For some reason people don't understand that naturals do the same thing that PUA's do but they never needed to be taught. If you're a studied PUA you have learn to do routines and after success....well it's lather, wrinse, repeat. You go back learn new things and apply them as well. The more repitition, and integration of new skills you do, the more that type of action will become "natural" to you. You don't see pro atheletes going into competition with the thought of "F*ck it, I'm just going to go out there and forget all the hours of practice i've done and instead wing this like a rookie" do you? Ofcourse not, so there's no reason to give up solid successful gaming practices for the AFC thoughts you had before you learned the art.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
PRMoon said:
You have to practice.

For some reason people don't understand that naturals do the same thing that PUA's do but they never needed to be taught. If you're a studied PUA you have learn to do routines and after success....well it's lather, wrinse, repeat. You go back learn new things and apply them as well. The more repitition, and integration of new skills you do, the more that type of action will become "natural" to you. You don't see pro atheletes going into competition with the thought of "F*ck it, I'm just going to go out there and forget all the hours of practice i've done and instead wing this like a rookie" do you? Ofcourse not, so there's no reason to give up solid successful gaming practices for the AFC thoughts you had before you learned the art.
My definition of a natural:

Someone who is succesfull with women and doesn't rely on techiques or routines.

People definate naturals as someone who were 'naturally good with women' and didn't have to learn pickup. It's just semantics.

Zan says: "Naturals aren't born, they are made"

There is a huge shift in the PUA community towards 'natural game', meaning not relying on routines. So if you go out and 'wing it' you will still know the concepts that make routines etc succesfull you will just become good at 'winging it' and not needing material. That way your fine if you run out.

Hey we could almost be going on about the same thing I might just be misenturpreting.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
PRMoon is just using the old school definition

a natural used to be defined as someone who was good with women but had no clue how they did it. a lot of PUA's conceptualized their ideas by going out, observing the naturals and modeling what they did

now with the shift in the community to natural game, the word natural is ambiguous. it could mean someone who's naturally good with women - it could also mean the type of PUA the guys who don't like canned routines are aspiring to be