I just recently joined the gym and was looking to put on 10lbs of muscle. I currently stand at 6' 170lbs. If I lift 4 days a week, how long do you think it would take me to gain 10 lbs of muscle?
Depends how hard to work out, how many times a week, how much weight you lift, how you eat, how you sleep, and your genetics.
That question was a really useless one. If anyone could get "so and so- big" within a certain time period, we wouldn't even have a need for training forums. We would just go to the gym, throw some dumbbells around, and get big. Presto!
Don't always be the one putting yourself out for her. Don't always be the one putting all the effort and work into the relationship. Let her, and expect her, to treat you as well as you treat her, and to improve the quality of your life.
Well it all depends.. i was one skinny asian mofo when i started working out in late august (108lbs or so im 5'6") and i gained my 10 lbs in about 4-5 months... Right now im still around 118-120... i got sick last week so i lost some weight, but im back at around 118.
Like if you're big to begin with, then gaining 10 lbs is alot, and wont easily be done...
Around there sounds right with average genetics doing everything right like diet, heavy liftin, sleep,etc. We are talking bout pure muscle right, not weight from water or fat you get while bulking.
When I started working out and eating right I put on 10lbs of muscle in 5-6 weeks tops. And this is verified as I was keeping track of my body fat % at that time, I gained more like 11lbs in 5-6 weeks because I had gained a lb of fat as well. I've been working out for a year now and I've gone from 129lbs to 163lbs of MUSCLE, I've actually gone down in body fat %
The only reason I havent gained much more is because I did not increase my calories for a few months a while back (stopped gaining weight).
I reckon a reasonable period is maybe 1kg every 2/3 weeks. THat's not too much. so 10 pounds is about 4.5 kg. Do the math.
I think the initial gain will be more, you'll probablygain 1kg in 1-2 weeks, the last kg will be more difficult. At th same time you may well lose fat as well so don't go according to weight.
I just really hate people that can't reply to a question without making the questioner feel like a dumb@$$.
What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.
You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.
To begin with, the average person can only put on 5-10 pounds of solid (lean muscle) a year. Yet this is dependent to where you are at. If you are just starting expect to see for the 1st three or so months quick and rapid gains, yet it will taper off. Moreover, for every pound of muscle one will retain 1-2 pounds of water so these immense gains you guys are giving out might not be realisitic. All I have to say is lift hard, get sufficent sleep, and most importantly eat right. Maybe you will be lucky and have the good genes either way just keep up the effort.
Ok I'm no expert fitness guru but I know that one of the hockey players on the Red Wings (Boyd Devereaux) worked really hard in the offseason and put on 10 lbs of muscle and keep in mind that he's a PRO athlete who's already in top shape and basically gets paid for doing so. Since the off-season was about 3-4 months for him and he worked really hard at it, I'm guessing that an average guy who has a busy life would take at LEAST 6 to 8 months, just a guess though.
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