An alpha male succeeds because he fumbles less than other men, likewise the beta male makes more mistakes.
nothing, and i mean nothing, could be further from the truth than this post right here. and this is the only one i need to highlight to state my case.
President Truman, was literally, living in the attic of his wife's parents house 10 years before he was president of the united states. he tried everything and failed at everything he tried. And when I say everything I mean everything. Military, banking, running a store, being a farmer, he wasn't good at jack ****.
Henry Ford started and folded 3 companies before he founded Ford Motor Company. ****, not only that, it was the same ****ing idea all 3 times lol. it just took him 2 decades to figure out how to do it right / profitably
Are you aware that Issac Newton, the father of modern science failed at just about everything he did..and died a virgin on top of that.
Napoleon Hill, the father of modern of the self help industry, failed at 7
DIFFERENT businesses, before figuring out what his calling in life was.
Winston Churchill did not win a single ****ing election in his entire life utnil he was 60 years old. '
Conrad Hilton tried to run 2 different hotel businesses and both failed horribly before he bought a Hotel in (i think) dallas texas and renamed it the Hilton hotel, the rest was history.
As everyone knows I'm a recovered addict. it took me.. if i count just my serious attempts at staying clean... probably 6 or 7, times to get clean. and I am a few months form 8 years now. The "biggest name" i know in AA/NA was not only a chronic relasper, but at one point was on death row (his story is amazing). My mentor in AA used drugs from the time they were 16 utnil the time she was 35 years old, and probably went to 20 rehabs in between that time. she makes more money than just about everyone on this forum lol, doing the damn thing. 17 years clean.
your case for the difference between alpha and beta males is laughable almost comical. You are correct, the difference between a beta male and an alpha male is that one fails far more than the other
however, you are completely wrong on who fails the most. alpha males fail, at a much higher rate than beta males, beucase alpha males believe in themselves, pick themselves up, get off the ****ing mat and try again. they believe in themselves and their purpose to a fault even to the point of delusion.
**** take my business I sold earlier in life. while technically the same business, do you know how many ****ing times we changes our strategy/niche market until we got it right? at least 6 off the top of my head.
No the difference between me and you and me and most of the guys here is that I believe in myself, even when I've been knocked down, i believe in myself. In my mind it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when and how many times, I don't see failure as a bad thing just a sign from god that you need to alter some **** and try again.
The beta male, makes a run, and the first time something bad happens gets cold feet and goes back to the security of everyday life.
that's the difference between an alpha male and a beta male.
Notice the words I highlighted from my post previous to yours. An alpha male can prosper and a beta male can survive. An Alpha male needs to learn how to survive and a beta male needs to learn how to prosper. What I am saying, is that it doesn't matter whether or not someone is an alpha or beta innately. Either an individual learns balance or struggles and dies. Nothing is purely static. Everything is prone to change.
this is keen to saying that a lion is successful beucase he has learned how to be a gazelle and a gazelle is successful beucase he has learned how to be a lion.
your post starts off with a falty premise which is why i can't argue with it; a guy getting a girlfriend, in itself, doesn't make him successful wtih women. how clearly can i say that? i dated all through jr and high school and while I did, it was always at girls whims, acting like a little ***** half the4 time, crying on the phone, blowing money i earned on broads who never appreciated it, having every girl i ever dated cheat on me, once with my best friend. how is this successful in any way shape or form? you've dumbed down the argument.f
I'm not picking on you and i appreciate the fact that you put some thought into your post, but this is a stickler here. it's a stickler with me, it's been a stickler with pook, it's been a sticker with rollo, it's one with everyone here. getting the girl does not make you successful. it never has, it never will. beucase if getting the girl makes you successful and that's the only litmus test for success, then it's okay to do anything, including things that you don't morally or technically agree with doing, just to get your girl thus sabotaging your self esteem and self worth in the process.
In the book As a man thinkith (which I read every morning by the way) he states
"he who has conquered doubt has conquered failure". not "he who doesn't fail has conquered failure" .
He also states in the same book "Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose (as is necessary utnil his weakness is overcome), the strength of his character gained will be the measure of his true success. "
Success, alphanism if you will, is not measured in how many times you failed. the only thing you have to do to be an alpha male is to get up, one more time than you've been knocked down. the world does not give a **** how many times you've been knocked down which is why this post is so long as that's something i take extreme offense to anyone saying because it's a bald faced lie. It only concerns itself with how many times you get up and with the enthusiasm you pursue your goals once you get back up.