First of all one has to remember I am 6’2’’, that is pretty tall to be weighing 150 pounds. Another thing I have a mesomorphic body type, this type of person have bodies that are receptive to heavy muscle gains with small amount of body fat. I am not saying that if you have ecotomophic or endomorphic body type one cannot put on muscle or have significant muscle gain.
Luckily, I had a great strength training coach who put me through power movement exercises that put on muscle fast…..Those power movements include; the squat (my favorite), bench, dead lift and shoulder press. On top of that I was eating a crap load of calories per day. I periodically read some of the articles in the fitness section of the web site and often there is some good articles about weight training and how to put on muscle. The articles I find most interesting is by Diesel, it seems that he has the same concept that I do on putting on muscle.
As far as taking steroids, I am not going to deny I have never taken them….But, believe it or not I have made better gains not taking them. You might have to work harder in the gym but it is possible to put tons of body weight and put up the big pounds on the bench or squat.
As far meeting women and helping attract women, weight lifting is a definite positive. Some women might say that a person my size is a freak and is not attractive. Right, that is like saying I find the Kate Moss look over the voluptuous Pam Anderson. Most women are intimidated my muscular men, because they have to work harder to keep them. You cannot curve 10,000 years of evolution, we all know women say one thing and mean another. Believe me when a woman says I think the muscular man is gross, but deep down in side they are desiring them. If you do not believe me look a male strippers, or the covers Romance Novels. Most of the men are pretty muscular.
Hopefully this shines some lite on the subject.
I hope this helps good luck to all.