How I have been treating women lately and I love it


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
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I guess you guys are going to tell me I'm a total piece of **** after reading this, fine its your right but I like it.

I'm older than most of you but its irrelevant I guess.

During the past few years, every girl I met and made her like me, I eventually dumped or sometimes threw away like worthless garbage.

Since my age has advanced the 30 mark something changed in my head, I no longer "need" to like girls and sexuality is no longer an obsession.

When I meet a new girl, I usually present this angel looking, yet strong and dominating male to her, which I must say she usually begins to like from the very first date. From the very first date its "my way or the highway", I'm totally dominating and I decide how we are going t have fun.

After a week or a month or two months I always discard them asif they are nothing, I usually do so in a rather cruel manner, no theater, no show just something like "we wont meet again, ever, goodbye". Not a single woman has dumped me since I change my attetude from Mr Nice to Mr "Im god and ur either my servant or nothing".

The rain of SMS's, or phone calls some time later (next day or a week later) is always unanswered by me and I even find it amusing, it makes me laugh and makes me want to find another victim.

Maybe I'm a psycho, but this is what modern age chicks made of me.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2011
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each person has to find the way in life which works for them, no one way is any better than any other as long as you find the way which works for you - not just in terms of 'results' but how you feel about yourself and how you want to be. so there is nothing intrinsically wrong with this at all

or at least, there was nothing intrinsically wrong until this line

Acq said:
but this is what modern age chicks made of me.
perhaps i'm reading this wrong, but this lines makes it seem that deep down, you wish you hadn't become this way, and maybe this isn't really working for you in terms of how you would like to be (grammar is a bit funny in that line, but im reading this to mean: "it is girls that have made me become this way")


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2008
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what I mean by the last line is that yes, when I was younger, a horrible AFC, I never thought I could treat women like that, it appeared horrible to "not" be nice to them.

Slick Rick-NZ

Don Juan
May 30, 2011
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Haha good stuff. There are two ways in this world. The hunters and the hunted. There are many hot shot females out there that toy with guys heart as bad or sometimes worse than yourself. Sadly it is only the soft hunted kind that falls for this and gets hurt. Have you seen the movie GHosts of girlfreinds past. I am buildong myself up this way like you so I do not get hurt. As quoted in the movie. The power in the relationship lies with he whio cares less. If you don't worship girls so much then you don't care and therefore don't get caught up and hurt ect. But as to entering in a LTR this mindset would not be helpful. BTW wat is ATF??


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
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Well i wouldn't say your approach neccesarily distasteful or rude just direct.
Also when you been around enough women you start to realize you don't have to be this sweet as pie dude. I was at work messing this girl that checking me out. The song from ciara two step came on i was like hey show me your two-step. and she like or what. I basically said or you stand there looking stupid. She still talking to me i know she has bf but she hasn't told me specfically which basically means i have an opening. Man i get **** test even at work with girls.

Now finding another victim is very naracartics (spell that wrong i know). But on the other hand your almost on way to being a player. All you need to know how to keep them on the backburner so you always have play even if your not interest in them. Don't burn them unless you have too.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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It sounds like you're quite bitter and possibly insecure, and this is your way of getting your own back. If you're doing this to girls who have directly hurt you or been rude to you, then that's cool, they deserve it, but taking out your bitterness on someone who has treated you with respect makes no sense.

You say no girl has dumped you, but is that because you've always rushed to get in there first?

I have to reject a lot of girls since I started playing the field, but as long as they've been cool and respectful, I see no reason to hurt them and leave them upset and jaded.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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Acq said:
I guess you guys are going to tell me I'm a total piece of **** after reading this, fine its your right but I like it.

I'm older than most of you but its irrelevant I guess.

During the past few years, every girl I met and made her like me, I eventually dumped or sometimes threw away like worthless garbage.

Since my age has advanced the 30 mark something changed in my head, I no longer "need" to like girls and sexuality is no longer an obsession.

When I meet a new girl, I usually present this angel looking, yet strong and dominating male to her, which I must say she usually begins to like from the very first date. From the very first date its "my way or the highway", I'm totally dominating and I decide how we are going t have fun.

After a week or a month or two months I always discard them asif they are nothing, I usually do so in a rather cruel manner, no theater, no show just something like "we wont meet again, ever, goodbye". Not a single woman has dumped me since I change my attetude from Mr Nice to Mr "Im god and ur either my servant or nothing".

The rain of SMS's, or phone calls some time later (next day or a week later) is always unanswered by me and I even find it amusing, it makes me laugh and makes me want to find another victim.

Maybe I'm a psycho, but this is what modern age chicks made of me.
So basically you're the male version of a BPD? Well, not really. More like NPD or sociopath. It is rather obvious you are not a happy man though. Honestly I don't particularly care what you do, but for your own safety please discard them within two months. Let's you have a six month relationship and pull off a trick like that, chances are it's going to get ugly. Hurt people are dangerous, man, and if you go around hurting people on purpose, they will try to get even.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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Jariel said:
It sounds like you're quite bitter and possibly insecure, and this is your way of getting your own back. If you're doing this to girls who have directly hurt you or been rude to you, then that's cool, they deserve it, but taking out your bitterness on someone who has treated you with respect makes no sense.

You say no girl has dumped you, but is that because you've always rushed to get in there first?

I have to reject a lot of girls since I started playing the field, but as long as they've been cool and respectful, I see no reason to hurt them and leave them upset and jaded.
She may be showing you respect, but at the end of the day you KNOW it's only because you are playing your cards right and following the right formula. The fact that we even have to treat a woman like **** just to get them to "love" us is rather depressing. Call me jaded, but I completely agree with the OP. I have absolutely no sympathy for any woman. All it takes is one wrong slip up on your part and she will can your a$$. Why can't we go about dating the same way?

Tears won't sway a mind based on logic and rationality.



Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
The OP is actually doing to women, what they have been doing to us in our now fvcked up feminized society for years.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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5string said:
The OP is actually doing to women, what they have been doing to us in our now fvcked up feminized society for years.
No, he's not. He does what they do if you let them. No need to be naive, but also no need to go around and intentionally hurt people. That stuff is just sad and pathetic.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Acq said:
I guess you guys are going to tell me I'm a total piece of **** after reading this, fine its your right but I like it.

I'm older than most of you but its irrelevant I guess.

During the past few years, every girl I met and made her like me, I eventually dumped or sometimes threw away like worthless garbage.

Since my age has advanced the 30 mark something changed in my head, I no longer "need" to like girls and sexuality is no longer an obsession.

When I meet a new girl, I usually present this angel looking, yet strong and dominating male to her, which I must say she usually begins to like from the very first date. From the very first date its "my way or the highway", I'm totally dominating and I decide how we are going t have fun.

After a week or a month or two months I always discard them asif they are nothing, I usually do so in a rather cruel manner, no theater, no show just something like "we wont meet again, ever, goodbye". Not a single woman has dumped me since I change my attetude from Mr Nice to Mr "Im god and ur either my servant or nothing".

The rain of SMS's, or phone calls some time later (next day or a week later) is always unanswered by me and I even find it amusing, it makes me laugh and makes me want to find another victim.

Maybe I'm a psycho, but this is what modern age chicks made of me.
a few years ago I would have called you bitter and insecure, but the OP is a genius their two sides to game you can go the "Pook" way (loving them, cherishing them etc) or the Dark Way(which is what the OP is doing)

Both sides work of being a Jedi(DJ) its all about balance

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
5string said:
The OP is actually doing to women, what they have been doing to us in our now fvcked up feminized society for years.
There is some truth to what you say, 5, but going further I'm struck that the difference is that women are doing this strictly out of societal (media) conditioning because they are inately external in their beliefs.

On the other hand, the OP is doing his thing rather maliciously and reactively, with awareness.

Given those (as I see them) facts, I think that although it is fair for us to use and manipulate the system to our advantage (after all, it is stacked heavily against us), I wouldn't want to stoop to their level by decision and with awareness, to become one of them by choice. They are not that way by choice. They don't have the mental capacity to choose otherwise. It is absent. Women are caught in a complex web of social dynamics expectations that they are neither aware of nor which they can escape from. Of course, they are aware of how to work the system, but unaware of its context in the big picture, as we are.

Actually, I blame most of the scourge of feminism on weak-willed men. When you get right down to it, politicians (men) wanted votes back in the 60s-70s. It really is as simple as that. Appease the loud-mouths and get their votes. The rest is history.

Now we have men running around afraid of their own shadows, afraid to claim their manhood, and guys like the OP who are justifyably upset about the state of affairs and trying to turn the tables his way. The only problem is what he is becoming in the process. It is so easy to become that which you're fighting against, in any arena.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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I think the big difference between mine and the OPs way of thinking is that I understand my past failings with girls was MY fault. I was weak, a coward, clingy and manipulated them with the "nice guy" crap.

Instead of getting bitter and angry at women, I learned from my mistakes and made a happier life for myself and can really enjoy the company of women and dating.

I also realise that no girl who ever hurt me did so intentionally. They rejected me because they weren't attracted to me. That's not their fault.

I'm not going to preach as though I am perfect because I play the field, I use girls for sex and never call back, and I have my ways of manipulating them too. But I always like to end on good terms when possible, look back on fond memories and maybe even catch up or hook up again in future.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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I see nothing wrong into treating trashy girls (the majority nowadays) as the op does mostly because is the way they treat men in general.

However I find completely wrong to do so to those few girls who still behave and still deserve a good treatment, I could never hurt a girl who play it fair with me.

At the same if it was legal to scar some b1tch face to make sure she comes down to earth I would really think about it, seriously she divorce cause she is bored and get half of your life? or she thinks you're not cool so she humiliates you in a public place for no reason?

That kind of women deserve what the op does and even worse but guys lets consider that doing wrong on good people is always wrong.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
It's a vicious cycle. They do it to us this guy is doping iot to them it's no wodner people play games, pull crap etc. There's nothing wrong with setting the frame and there's nothing with not getting attached, but this seems malicious which isn't really DJ'ing but rather being PUA with bad intentions.

Like I said nothing wrong with it if you are happy, but this sounds more like an attempt to get back at the women that hurt or specifically the one relationship that didn't work and you feel need to get your pound of flesh.

I would suggest getting rid of someone if they cross your boudnaries or you just don't like them but not becuase you've hit some magical mark or you're trying to get them addicted to you ...


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I agree that a lot of women do this very thing without much of a thought.
I think that when you decide you're going to be this totally hard, callused guy who is going to treat girls badly and never feel anything for them again, that's basically cowardice. You're afraid to be hurt again, so you close yourself off.

Some guys, after being hurt, need to feel what it's like to be the dumper for awhile, or they'll never get over the damage to their self esteem. They feel like they have to "get even". The good news for the OP is okay, now that he's done this for awhile, maybe he can let the pendulumn swing back the other way a little and find some balance in his life. So instead of being the weak AFC or the hardened @sshole, he can become the guy he should have been all along, the real DJ.


Oct 20, 2006
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zekko said:
I think ... that's basically cowardice. You're afraid to be hurt again, so you close yourself off.
I agree zekko. That was the key line in the 1972 Goldie Hawn movie "Butterflies Are Free". The guy says to her “You're emotionally retarded did you know that? Crippled. I'd rather be blind.”

My BPD ex said something along that idea, saying "I use other guys and throw them away because I don't care about them - I am afraid to fall in love with you because I care about you".

This is probably why a lot of women treat us this way - they get used by guys who are out of their league and become jaded. I've personally jaded some women that way in the past and saw them go from happy-go-lucky women to sullen, sad, cold women (even when they didn't know I was watching). I wasn't proud of it.

This sounds like the Feminist approach: do all the things you always hated the other sex for doing. It's the opposite of The Golden Rule (One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself). It also breaks The Silver Rule (One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated).

That said, as my recent post asked - perhaps this is the only way to get women we really love to love us back.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
First he was pathetic. Now he's pathetic and getting laid.

Sweet dude good luck.