How does it feel knowing most of you will end up with a slut?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
I know we're all young so this may only apply later on, but how does it feel knowing you'll end up marring a girl that's had 3-7 average sexual partners before you?

Even if you don't get married you will most likely one day want to settle down with a girl in a long term relationship.

My take on this is that I want a girl that still a virgin, I've just never felt the emotional attraction of promiscuous girls.

I don't think it's unreasonable to want a wife that has the same values as I do.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 17, 2012
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Philadelphia Suburbs
SamTheHobit said:
I know we're all young so this may only apply later on, but how does it feel knowing you'll end up marring a girl that's had 3-7 average sexual partners before you?

Even if you don't get married you will most likely one day want to settle down with a girl in a long term relationship.

My take on this is that I want a girl that still a virgin, I've just never felt the emotional attraction of promiscuous girls.

I don't think it's unreasonable to want a wife that has the same values as I do.
3-7 is an understatement. Most women sleep around as much as women used to kiss around back in the 90s.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
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SamTheHobit said:
[H]ow does it feel knowing you'll end up marring a girl that's had 3-7 average sexual partners before you?

I want a girl that still a virgin, I've just never felt the emotional attraction of promiscuous girls.
I agree with OP at some point. Although virginity is not a must, contrary to what most men on here want, I prefer inexperienced and virginal women. I think of sexual partners as mileage on a vehicle: the more you have, the more things that can go wrong with it, even if it's already broken in & ready for use. Where a person(male or female) has been and what s/he has done is the best predictor of what that person will do in the future--just like a car's history report or one's credit report.

The only way to get a girl with few or no previous sex partners is to get her young. You also must satisfy her 101% (keep sex fun and unpredictable) so that she has little or no desire to be with other people. Not being afraid to ask for things you want is also important, as she may love you for it.



Nov 4, 2010
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Mike32ct said:
"Women will F many 'wrong' guys until they find the one special 'right' guy to be celibate with." ~ Unknown
love that quote, alos 3-7 is way low, you are also not factoring in the BJ;s and handjobs which women dont count as sex


Most guys try to rack up as many notches as possible, but then they expect women to be models of purity. Just doesn't work that way, unfortunately.

If you want inexperienced, your best bet is to scoop them up between the ages of 18-20. Problem with this is, they haven't yet gotten out of their party phase and will probably end up cheating on you. Oh, the irony!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
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You have to judge the person's character.
If the girl doesn't put out for everyone, has meaningful, serious relationships, then sure, she isn't going to be a virgin. Neither are you after a certain point.

Keep in mind we are not in our parent's generation any longer. Obtaining a stable job doesn't necessarily happen straight out of high school. We grow a substantial amount throughout college and our personalities change. The person you were compatible with for high school may turn out to be a lazy bum or some form of a man-child or woman-child. What makes someone compatible at a young age doesn't necessarily make for a good spouse.

For that very reason, it's possible that some girls may get themselves in a "serious" relationship early. And may end up staying in that relationship for several years before it ends for one reason or another.

As such, if you have the type of values where you think its ok to mess around with every single girl that will have you, then the type of girl that you want (an relatively inexperienced girl) doesn't have the same values as you. And thus, she might not want you.

You cannot change the opinions or values of a grown adult. Why should a girl suddenly believe that the man is going to "settle down" with her, when his previous history has proven otherwise?

If you want someone to be committed to you, you have to attract that type of character...and to do that, you have to be trustworthy yourself.


Don Juan
Dec 16, 2012
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SamTheHobit said:
My take on this is that I want a girl that still a virgin, I've just never felt the emotional attraction of promiscuous girls.

I don't think it's unreasonable to want a wife that has the same values as I do.
I think that's a somewhat silly sentiment. I like girls who are straightforward about their sexuality. That doesn't mean that she should be uncouth. It means that she shouldn't pretend that she isn't thinking about it all the time, just like I don't pretend.

A man shouldn't be intimidated by a woman's sexuality, and vice versa.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Starrie said:
I think that's a somewhat silly sentiment. I like girls who are straightforward about their sexuality. That doesn't mean that she should be uncouth. It means that she shouldn't pretend that she isn't thinking about it all the time, just like I don't pretend.

A man shouldn't be intimidated by a woman's sexuality, and vice versa.
Here's an example of a guy that will end up with a slut


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
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I know a girl who is 22 and slept with 40 guys in a year. Lol@who she marries.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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So much ancient wisdom is lost in these corrupt times

Listen close

It is known by the wise that a woman can only BOND TO A MAN ONCE...this is why women were married as soon as they hit puberty by all cultures....she then bonded to her husband...he owned her....all was good.

Any women who has more than 1 partner CANNOT bond with another man...all she is fit for is to be a secks toy...which is fine by me :)

and yes 3-7 is very low..these days women don't even wipe the cvm off their faces before they suck their next dude.

Any women with more than one partner is mentally an opportunistic slvt she can never be a proper wife. whether it is 3 or 300...of course the less the better but you are still dealing with a corrupt person...know this implicitly and fvck her real good.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
SoSuave666 said:
Here's the thing, her secksual history only becomes an issue when YOU bring it up. If you ask for her past, you most likely aren't going to like what you hear. Generally, her response is either going to be a lie, or too high for your standards. So instead, I offer the following situation:

You never bring up anyone's secksual past in a relationship. She shouldn't want to know yours, and I sure as sh!t don't want to know hers. Judge her based on her personality and the way she treats you. If you have properly screened her, she treats you well, and is deserving of your attention, give it to her.

I think it's pretty insecure to care about a woman's sexual history. However, with that said I would be completely turned off by someone who fvcked 40 dudes. Pretty ironic, so I just don't even bring it up.
Get real my partners past sexual history and circumstances is my business. Don't you want a person with similar value as you. Who would want the village bicycle as a wife?

I want her to be committed and devoted to me as I am to her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa

Agreed 100percent.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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All of this wisdom is fine. There are still the statistics to look at though. Makes for sobering reading. (Data is approximate but gives an idea - references from Wiki, Nationstats and medical sites):

- first marriages that end in divorce last about eight years

- women file for divorce in approximately 2/3rds of divorce applications

- nearly every 3rd marriage ends in divorce (this changes with several different factors. But at even 1 divorce in every 4 marriages, it is not a great stat)

- The US has the 1st highest divorce rate out of 34 countries polled (then Puerto Rico, Russia, UK, Denmark)

- The median number of opposite sex partners for women is 3.2 and 5.1 for men

A point is made above that it is best to get a young/virginal woman as a wife, before they have had a chance to get out and fvk themselves stupid. Some replied that this is fine, but they are at a party age, and will want to get into the fvk circle anyway.

I agree with this. It doesn't matter if you lock down a younger, less sexually experienced woman to marry or life partner. In this day and age she is almost guaranteed to stray at some point - even after 15 years of being married. The result is the same - divorce or splitting up.

In my experience the best option was to find a woman who had very low sexual partner numbers, a good upbringing, healthy respect for the male and who could live by some of the older school rules.

There are semi accurate ways to confirm sleeping buddy stats (without being an idiot about it), and to do some minor background work on a prospective mate. Nothing wrong with that in my book. Oh and of course, a sexual health check up. I have always insisted on this (and had one at the same time myself).

Some of you may laugh at this, but even as liberal as I am, this has worked for me the best.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2011
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Land of slow.
SamTheHobit said:
I know we're all young so this may only apply later on, but how does it feel knowing you'll end up marring a girl that's had 3-7 average sexual partners before you?

Even if you don't get married you will most likely one day want to settle down with a girl in a long term relationship.

My take on this is that I want a girl that still a virgin, I've just never felt the emotional attraction of promiscuous girls.

I don't think it's unreasonable to want a wife that has the same values as I do.
Next time I consider becoming a psych major I may ponder on the fact my girl has probably been around the block more than once.

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
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Ahwatukee, AZ
This is funny. But to each their own. I guess the bigger question is, how does it feel knowing that your virgin will probably only be a vaginal virgin? Virgins nowadays just don't give up the pvssy until marriage, but they keep their previous BF's happy with BJs, anal, and HJs.

Virgins are technically the most sluttiest considering the above facts. This ain't the 50's kiddo.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Young Juan said:
This is funny. But to each their own. I guess the bigger question is, how does it feel knowing that your virgin will probably only be a vaginal virgin? Virgins nowadays just don't give up the pvssy until marriage, but they keep their previous BF's happy with BJs, anal, and HJs.

Virgins are technically the most sluttiest considering the above facts. This ain't the 50's kiddo.
Just because this isn't the 50 doesn't mean anything. Perhaps purity is an ideal
that people still want to live on Buddy.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Mike32ct said:
Three to seven partners before you is low today.
Says who? My ex was with 5 and she did a fair bit of partying when she was younger. This girl is 30 now.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
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TillTheEndOfTime said:
My ex was with 5 and she did a fair bit of partying when she was younger. This girl is 30 now.
Just out of curiosity. How are you so sure about that? Urban life makes it practically impossible to keep track of someone's (sexual) contacts unless you're together 24/7 .


Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
SamTheHobit said:
I don't think it's unreasonable to want a wife that has the same values as I do.
I'll ignore the rest of your post and examine this. Same values? C'mon dude. You just made a post saying you made out with 15 girls this year and were happy about it. A girl aligning with your values, then, would also look upon making out with 15 guys this year as a good thing.