Basically, I met her through friends. Last year, I sat with her at lunch. It was her, and three other girls plus my friends. Her friend had a humongous crush (so we got date and friend and two other girls at lunch with me) on me, and then I asked her friend out long after she gave up on me. Her friend is happy we're going to homecoming together.
I use to tell these girls my stories about how I liked two others girl then there was her friend so I guess this was three.
This really freaks me about her being my homecoming date, she knows I have a reputation of wanting girls and being shot down. Of the four girls, I talked to this girl the least. So she was surprised when I asked her to homecoming.
Last week, she tried calling me a thousand times about homecoming limo on thurs night because it was due friday. So she paid for me, and I felt bad so I talked to her after school Friday and she was like "So if you want to pay me back..." blah, blah, blah. She acted a little funny, but so did I. Deeper voice tone, but just quieter than usual. So I turn around to see her friends doing the whole whispering and giggling **** behind my back clearly talking about us.
So I put 50 bucks (it was 45 bucks) in an envelope and gave it to my friend to give to her because she has a class with him. I wrote "If it was 45 bucks, then lunch is on me. =)" He made fun of me saying it was corny, she said it was sweet.
As for yesterday. I was walking one way, and she was already sitting all alone. I approached her and
Bling "Where are all your friends?"
HC date "In yearbook club."
Bling "Why aren't you in yearbook?"
HC date "I am, but I do it a different day. =/"
Bling "So, have you seen my sister?"
HC date "No... =/"
Bling "Well, I'm going to go look for her..."
HC date "I'll go with you." <--I didn't ask her, she volunteered herself.
The conversation was just one topic after another. She was trying to thread, but no thread until we talked homecoming. We walked around till I found my sister, and my sister asked for 10 minutes which I was kind of glad to give. We sat back down where we started and blah, blah, blah.
Bling "So what are you going to do with your hair?"
HC date "I don't know... haven't decided."
Bling "Will you straighten your hair for me?"
HC date "Ok..." giggles
HC date blah, blah blah.
HC date "So will you shower for me?"
Bling "I'll think about it. =) Give me a
text message an hour before to remind me."
(the entire time she is playing with her book. Opening and closing. Opening and closing. Opening and closing. She was clearly nervous. IDK about what. No hair touches. Just opening and closing the book)
I finally pick up my sister..
Bling "So are you going to say goodbye to me?"
HC date "Bye..."
^-- That was the first time we hugged, but she always kissed me before that, so I don't think it matters. As she was walking backwards from the hug, I gently squeezed her arm.
So today, I didn't go to my locker, I went to hers. I kind of was there, and clearly she saw me but she did the whole "I don't even notice him unless he clearly says something to me". I do it all the time to other people, so I'm not mad about it. One of her friends from lunch last year comes and talks to me. She asks "what lunch do you have?" I joke about being in the same lunch and her never saying hi to me. Her friend jokes around with me. The whole time HC date is "talking" with other people. I tell friend from lunch I'm going to Health class, and came to talk to Cristina but she doesn't want to talk to me. Cristina said something like "I do want to talk to you... I'm sorry" as I walked away.
Then finally, today in the library I did the whole I know she's there but won't talk to her unless she talks to me. I had my back to her and she quietly says "Hi Danny" and walks away from me outside the doors. Again, quicker than I can answer.
Tomorrow I'll see her in a club after school. Do I just say hi and walk away? Or do I try to talk to her and kino? Again, she could hate me.