How do you tell your gf to lose body fat ?


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
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how do you tell her to cut her body fat ? I feel like there’s no good way To express this as women are too insecure to be told they need to lose fat.
Tell the biitch you're fat!
Hit the fuarking gym!
Because there are really no nice way of saying it. So you might just say it out loud and honestly..

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
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I don’t care about weight. It’s body fat that turns me off when it gets too high

gf has been trying to have a healthier relationship with food and not limit calories but as a result has put on weight and her body fat is now at like 25%

how do you tell her to cut her body fat ? I feel like there’s no good way To express this as women are too insecure to be told they need to lose fat.

problem is my want for sex has gone down. Her sex drive is super high and she doesn’t realize why I’m less interested in sex. She knows what I prefer as I’ve said it in the past but it’s like she wants me to change my preference and like thicker girls so she doesn’t have to work hard to stay as fit
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But in all seriousness, lead by example. Never confront her about it, this will only shut her down and have the opposite effect. Change your diet and share that with her, we all know the gym doesn't do anything unless you know what you're doing. Going to the gym doesn't directly result in being in shape or fit and toned. Those things are accomplished by diet and proper understanding of exercise. Solid nutrition and HIIT are your best bets for body fat. But you need to show her.

The bottom line is, the best way to "make" someone do something is to make them want to do it for themselves.

Modern Man Advice


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2019
Reaction score
But in all seriousness, lead by example. Never confront her about it, this will only shut her down and have the opposite effect.
I agree about lead by example, but on the flipside tough love can sometimes be the best way to give a wake up call and not be so gentle about it. It is fine if you say in not an evil/mean way, but in a honest and caring way so the person (In this case your gf obviously), does understand that you mean them well...


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2018
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I don’t care about weight. It’s body fat that turns me off when it gets too high

gf has been trying to have a healthier relationship with food and not limit calories but as a result has put on weight and her body fat is now at like 25%

how do you tell her to cut her body fat ? I feel like there’s no good way To express this as women are too insecure to be told they need to lose fat.

problem is my want for sex has gone down. Her sex drive is super high and she doesn’t realize why I’m less interested in sex. She knows what I prefer as I’ve said it in the past but it’s like she wants me to change my preference and like thicker girls so she doesn’t have to work hard to stay as fit
Did you lay down the law when she asked you to be monogamous. Most guys are usually trying to lock the girl down instead of the girl trying to lock the guy down.

When a girl asks a guy for monogamy, the guy needs to have sit down with the girl and have a conversation on what he expects out of her. If you had done this and told her in the beginning you wouldnt have this problem


Sep 10, 2014
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You don't. Either get used to it or find someone else. A person has to be self motivated to improve. If you bring this up she will either get mad and dump you or try to lose the weight and resent you forever. Either way its not worth your effort to have to nag your GF not to be a fat slob.
100% this. Unless it is something she wants to do then she won't.

The only way is to try and figure out how you can help her want to do it.


Sep 10, 2014
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I have the same issue with my gf. We’ve been together for about 4 months, she’s a great lady and I love most things about her, except for her weight. I’ve told her directly I do not like it and she got very upset with me so I decided not to do that again.

She has a genuine desire to be with me so I take her hiking as often as I can. I deliberately push her and she sees how easy it is for me when compared to her. She then raises the subject of getting fit and losing weight. The subject is much easier when she raises it and I can talk to her more about it that way. This seems to be the way to go, do things with them that show them how unfit they are and get them talking about it.

I also tell her about my activities, I tell her every time I go to the gym. If I put a few pounds on I tell her and tell her how much I don’t want to put weight on. This lead by example seems to get her attention.

My gf does seem to be making an effort. Whether she actually looses weight remains to be seen.
At the end of the day changing your diet and drinking more water will lead to 10x better results than any form of exercise with the same diet.

Yes, it helps when combined but if you had to choose one, cleaning up the diet is the choice by a landslide.

Help her to make better food choices and eat better and the weight will start falling off exercise or not.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2019
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Thing is she hits gym regularly. She just convinces herself her metabolism is going to get f’d up or she has no energy when doing a cut.. think she just likes food too much and doesn’t want to have the self control it takes to cut fat the right way.
I make a slight mention about cutting fat though and she gets all upset. Fvcking women man. “Just love me for who I am not my looks”. Well sorry my brain is hardwired to want to fvck the healthiest looking females and not chubby ones

If only I had a dollar for every woman who told me they wished they were skinnier while shoveling a piece of cheesecake down their gullet. Working out or not you aren't ever losing weight if you eat the way most women these days eat and don't even get me started on all those empty calories they are guzzling down from their wine glasses.