If that works for you, go for it. The few women I've hooked up with at the gym came from flirting and eye contact. The guys at my gym who advocate what your suggesting usually get shutdown hard and ridculed. In fact we were talking about this one guy who is a gym troll (goes to the gym to show off his arms and hit on girls) who got shutdown so hard he stopped coming to that gym, it was hillarious. Meanwhile my boy is making eye contact and smiling at a chic and gets her number in the parking lot.Espi said:So you're supposed to just get lucky one day and happen to see her when she's leaving or entering the gym?
Do not listen to this advice.
GUYS! Come ON...DJ's do NOT wait around for the perfect opportunity...DJ's MAKE the most of opportunities, regardless of the challenges, the obstacles, etc.! There is no perfect time or place to approach a hot woman...you see a hot woman, you approach her, and you make her smile...simple. Women don't give a fvuck if you interuupt them...if you make them laugh, they'll forget what the fvuck they're doing...
Balls, men...show some balls.
All this guy can do is try and see what happens. My bets are on total blowout though. Women choose first, we choose second.