Excellent post!!War Against Betaism said:People act like changing your mindset and internal programming can be done over night. That couldn't be more wrong. Like a person's body who hasn't worked out before starts working out, they're still going to look pretty much the same the very next day. Changing the mindset is very much the same way, there seems to be this myth that people literally became DJ's overnight and the right advice needs to be given to cause a paradigm shift.
That's why I think it's very important to get to the ROOT of the problems... First you have to remove ALL of your negative toughts, and only then you can expect to start being more and more positive!
If you're full of negativity, you may say to yourself: Okay, I'll be positive today! But that's like dropping drops of positivity in a sea of negativity... You have to take all of your bad toughts out, and then you can start putting good toughts in.
A negative tought in a person that is very positive won't have much effect.
A positive tought in a person that's very negative won't have much effect.
I don't know if I explained this right, but if you have feedback, please send!