How do you know you like someone?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
Originally posted by BGMan
Don't be stupid. Of course it's not racist. After all, if all white people only dated other races, pretty soon there would be no white people anymore. Duh. So paradoxically, dating your own race maintains diversity. Funny, huh?
I never thought about that, but interesting now that you mention it. The world would be SO boring if everyone was the same color, liked the same things, listened to the same music, etc. I'd probably want to shoot myself in a world like that.

Originally posted by BGMan
How tall are you? I can't imagine being with a girl taller than me... unless she's really hot, then I don't care! :p

I'm 5'7." To me, height isn't a big deal although I probably wouldn't want someone who's really short (thus the 5'4"+), unless she was somehow otherwise very very special. I also said >6'6" because if someone's tall enough, they'll probably start to freak you out a little bit.

One plus to a woman who's taller than you are is that when you kiss, you don't have to bend over. Instead, she has to bend over. :)

Another plus is that it'd make you look really good (assuming, of course, the woman is attractive), since it seems most of the time the man is taller. If you're shorter, then you must be very special and desirable in some other way. This helps your cause, since a lot of women seem to like men who are close to their height or taller.

But, I'd definately date the really hot girl who's a little shorter than I am before I'd date the tall one who's butt ugly and has the face of a gargoyle. Like that wasn't obvious already.

However, would I not date the super sexy 6'3" model because she's 6'3"? No. I'd definately go out with her.
