TL;DR to follow.
A-Unit said:
- From personal experience, you can label these things ANYWAY you want, but the material presented on this site and any other site is just assumptions and theory; it may have tendencies of working because of different cause/effect relationships, but they aren't BIBLICAL laws, so ditch the cult-like adherence to them.-
yes, thanks for bringing that up. i calmed down and started "being myself" a bit more and not trying to follow all these rules.
A-Unit said:
Chill. Have fun with this girl. All life is mental, so making the most of it means having better thoughts, being a stronger and better person, so when these situations get you down, be stronger than them and you learn and possibly win.
If I were you, I'd go. Be IN the moment. Power of now type ****. Just go with the flow. Use what resources you have and you have acquired to have fun and make the most of any interaction with her. Inevitably it is those interactions that build up or break down any potential relationship/connection with her anyways.
And in the end...isn't this about more than just getting laid? It's about being with a cool chick that you like, trust and respect. All these guys putting their pricks in pussies with crazy girls are just asking for 18years of child support and a crazy-baby-momma bs situation.
Update, Just to get it off my chest. Not looking for input really, just posting it for archives sake.
It's been a few weeks. I cooled down a bit. i've really been hitting the gym, not drinking etc. i've lost 20 lbs the past month and dropped from a size 44 waist to a 38. (probably mainly water retention and crap in my intestines, my belly went down big time.)
I started talking less and less with HB8Lawyer. I started busting her balls more and more though, she's been hanging out with the group more. It was her Bday, (posted this in my fitness thread) and some stuff went down that week, I've started replying everything she asks me with a "maybe". "are you coming to the bar?" "maybe" "are you coming to my birthday party on saturday" "maybe"
Still could not isolate her, but was not really trying. I was giving up.
we had 4 days of partying. on her bday we all went for drinks. we started doing some kino stuff (hanging off each other, etc) to the point that her ride home told me "take care of her, i'm taking off now" with a wink. It was going good, then my brother walked in. My brother has a habit of being a ****y sonnava, and totally ****blocked me. HB8 ended up yelling at us, then left with HB6. I got pretty pissed, but accepted it, because I was in a low state.
Next day was a huge yearly house party. I almost didn't go. i went to the gym, hb6 texted me, i had replied that i did not know if I was going, they didn't remember the end of the night, and didn't remember yelling at me. I told her I was pissed off. she texted me again and hb8lawyer texted me, i didn't answer then they called, i didn't pickup. My gym partner left to the party and I went home and painted. calmed down again and said "**** it! I'll go to the party, why should i stop having fun?" as i was driving there hb8 texted me saying "where are you? I need a swimming partner!" i showed up and some ppl were complimenting me on my weight loss, and one girl told me "thank god you're here, HB8's been asking about you all night" hb8 was drunk, she ended up hanging off me all night. an hour in she tells me to put on my swimsuit, "we're going swimming" she looks amazing in her swimsuit, i jump into mine and all of a sudden ppl notice me, I got really uncomfortable, I've always been uncomfortable shirtless, but ppl were commenting too much on my body that it seemed like they were doing so out of sarcasm. one girl kept rubbing my chest and it got me really squirmy. HB8 and i jumed into the FRIGID pool. i basically was carrying her around and rubbing her trying to warm the both of us up, we then went to a quite side (totally far away from everybody) and started some silly pillowtalk-type convo. I kissed her neck and started to kiss her, but she didn't reciprocate and changed the subject. she got too drunk and ended up getting sick.
apparently I was an "alpha-type figure" at the party. I had left and people were talking about me.
the next day was a BBQ at hb8's parents. I showed up REALLY late. had a beer, then picked up hb8 and hb6, tossed em over my shoulder and jumped into the pool. hb8lawyers' friend asked her if she was sleeping with one of my friends, she replied "no" then the friend suggested that she do so. I didn't care, I started caring less and was focusing more on having a good time. i stayed away from hb8.
next day 4 of us hung out by the pool, lazy day of drinking (except for me

) joking and goofing around. no escalation.
couple of days later she messages me on facebook. we have a decent convo, nothing serious, just lighthearted stuff, but we schedule a group outing to see a parade. (hb6, hb8, my friend and I) after work i head over and its just HB6, hb8 and I (they are getting to be BFF, lol) we watch the parade, along with my customary jokes ('who's gonna be taking the pics of me when I get arrested?") then hb6 leaves, i try getting her to stay, but she takes off.
HB8 and i walk around at the outdoor concerts. it was very enjoyable. i tried making the decisions. "OK we walk here, OK we're getting ice cream" etc. "OK, let's take off" she asks if i want a ride to my car, I say sure.
she drops me off to my car. parked in the middle of the street, we start talking. cars keep squeezing past us, so she parks. we talk for like 30 min. I say i have to leave, she interrupts me with something. I tried leaving 4 times, but she keeps continuing conversation. I kiss her on both cheeks goodbye the third time. she starts talking about something else. we end up in her car over an hour, finally i tell her "i have to go." kiss her on both cheeks, back off for a second, then kiss her on the lips. right away she grabs the back of my neck as we start making out. there are still ppl walking on the street outside occasionally. i back off a bit and she comes towards me but gets caught up by her seatbelt. she takes it off and I start squeezing her in the space between both from seats. it escalates to the point where I've hiked up her skirt and have my fingers in her when the cops pull up besides us.
we laugh, and she asks me if this is what i had in mind when I was telling her that i'd be arrested. I said "maybe" "well, lets not get you arrested and meetup at my house" I drive to her house but we both get stuck in traffic in seperate cars. Get to her place, into her room, and i tell her "that's a nice dress, you should seriously consider taking it off before i tear. it. off. you"
I try to nail her as if it's my last day on earth. I think it worked. we were both so sweaty after it I nearly passed out right away.
Her attitude has really changed. Radically. I have now heard from ppl she asks about me.
TL;DR: backed off. Calmed down. F-closed hb8.