How do you keep her thinking about you?


Apr 19, 2005
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Mr. Me said:
It's linear thinking. The rationale is "if I'm not there, I have no input".

You know the saying: "Out of sight, out of mind", right?

But there's also the saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".

Both truisms. Yet they seem to conflict with each other? How can they both be true, then?

If you don't care much about the absent person, then 'out of sight, out of mind' is very likely.

If you really like that person, then as you dwell on them, pine for them, wonder about them, then 'absence will make the heart grow fonder' is more likely.

A person's mind, their imagination, is a very powerful force. It convinces people better than anything else. It's also our own worst enemy.
Agreed. Women are a paradox unto themselves. Pursued they run away like the Devil is chasing them. When you back off, and cut off the attention, they are calling you. Wanting to know what you are doing, ect. I am pursuing one who just broke off a year and a half engagement. When I started pursuing her, she backed off, so I cut off all communication. Now she is calling. I am guessing that if I play my cards right, in about 2-3 months, it is going to be killing her that I am seeing someone else, and she will sleep with me.