Well, first of all if she doesn't look at you, it's because she doesn't see nothing diferent on you, nothing interesting. For her you are anyone, any other guy. She will not starts looking you sudently. You have to give her a reason.
You could, to start, talk (or say some comentary) to her and fix the look during and after the talk end. You have to change first your attitudes, she has to be pleasure and admiration on looking you. Try also, i don't know if you are on a school, for example a moment that you are the center attention of the class or the group, like when you are talking and the others are looking at you or i don't know when the teacher call you; then take advantage that everybody is looking at you and probably her, so look at her. Then she will starting look at you more times than before.
Remember smile (not much, this smile have to show that anyway in her look "touch" you) you could also look down and close the eyes when cut the look (observe the girls, they do this oft).