Raikojo17 said:
my gf hit her period. she is notorious for having really bad ones. she moans in pain, she can hardl move. she called me for help and comfort.
I did the best i could but i dont think i did very well. what would you guys do for a girl having problems?
I don't mean to come off sounding cold but there are some things you really can't (or shouldn’t) help her with, this being one of them, and I really don't think it is right for her to expect help from you at this time either, she was sort of setting you up to fail. It would be like you telling her 'I have a cold, make it go away’; well no one can do that. Of course if she wanted help going to the ER or Dr., that's different.
What you may want to do is to make a few suggestions to her –
-Call her ob/gyn and talk to him/her about the disabling cycles she has, maybe get a prescription for a mild muscle relaxer/pain medicines.
-Have the products she will need on hand, don't wait until they are needed.
-Therma care puts out these awesome heat patches you scrunch up and the reopen, they stay hot for 8 hours. You've seen the one for back and knees and such, they also make one for women to wear on the lower ab, OMG they are heaven.
-Mild exercise and/or orgasms help too. If you get a cramp in your leg do you lay in bed until it is gone? Nope, you are up fast and working the muscles around the cramp.
-Mint teas, pineapple juice, fish oils and more are some natural resolutions.
Again, charge her with the responsibility to research different techniques and steps to ease this, it is something she may have to deal with for a very long time. HAVE HER, not you, google ‘easing menstrual pain’, I bet she will find over 100 ideas and measures to try and I bet not one of them start with ‘call your boyfriend…..’.