How do you handle the voicemail game...


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
lol, I listened to that tape so much it fell apart.

My typical vm is as vague and secretive as possible, and alludes to something exciting that she can't find out until she calls back.


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Francisco d'Anconia said:
A typical Francisco vm:

"Hey, it's Francisco; I've been paroled again. Let's get together for coffee at that shop on campus to celebrate. I'm free after 6:00 on Wednesday and Thursday. I'll be around tonight until 7:00 so give me a call and let me know which day works best for you. Gotta go, I have to check in with my parole officer."

It's funny so she should be a bit more receptive, it tells her specifically what the plan is, it gives her options to pick which day and it gives a deadline to when she can call so there's no need to hang around by the phone. Even if she doesn't get the message until later, she'll at least leave a message if she's interested. If she's not you'll know in no uncertain terms. A woman who's interested but busy will call you with a counter, at least the days which she's available.
I like it! It definitely does help you figure out if she's interested or not as she would at least return the call.

So would you keep calling if you did not get a call back?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Bible_Belt said:
lol, I listened to that tape so much it fell apart.

My typical vm is as vague and secretive as possible, and alludes to something exciting that she can't find out until she calls back.
Have you ever seen the HBO special? It's old as hell but it's still funny.

I've been secretive on VMs too but only with women who have an very high interest levels; better chance of her accepting. The thing is that you have to get them into the mindset of knowing that being with you will be worth their while.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
darkjedi said:
I like it! It definitely does help you figure out if she's interested or not as she would at least return the call.
'Ya think?
darkjedi said:
So would you keep calling if you did not get a call back?
Why? :confused: I've got women to do, things to see. What makes this concept even simpler is if you really do have other things to do; join a club, hang out with buds, spin plates. Whatever you do she needs to realize that you are giving her a chance to fit into your schedule, it's up to her whether or not she takes advantage of it; not you.


Don Juan
May 13, 2007
Reaction score
ok so how about this senario. Yesterday I called this girl and talked to her for a couple mins and I guess she was watching her favroite show on TV or some sh*t and said she'd call back but never did. Should I give it a few days and see if she calls back? Is it some kind of sh*t test they like to play, them being flaky, or just not interested. Also, if I do call her in a few days should I mention anything about the fact she never called me back or just act aloof like it didnt even happen. Sorry if its a dumb question, I'm still learning...


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Stop sweating the small stuff. Girls hardly ever call you back, if you next her for something like that, get used to your hand. Just call her another day.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
I don't leave messages. I hate voice mail.

I know my # will show up on their ID and if they care enough they will call.

If not o well.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Bond007 said:
ok so how about this senario. Yesterday I called this girl and talked to her for a couple mins and I guess she was watching her favroite show on TV or some sh*t and said she'd call back but never did. Should I give it a few days and see if she calls back? Is it some kind of sh*t test they like to play, them being flaky, or just not interested. Also, if I do call her in a few days should I mention anything about the fact she never called me back or just act aloof like it didnt even happen. Sorry if its a dumb question, I'm still learning...
Guy's, don't you have other things to do or people to see so than you're not dependant on the call back of one girl? Plus, what do you accomplish by putting her on the spot about not calling you back? Are you desperate enough to lay a guilt trip on her in the hopes that she'll call you or go out with you? What if she really isn't interested yet still goes out with you? It happens more often than not. Think about the realistic outcomes to your possible actions and consider whether it's even worth the effort.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
zerocelcius said:
I don't leave messages. I hate voice mail.

I know my # will show up on their ID and if they care enough they will call.

If not o well.
:up: One of the best methods to lessen the feeling of rejection (so it may seem).


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Francisco d'Anconia said:
I've been secretive on VMs too but only with women who have an very high interest levels; better chance of her accepting. The thing is that you have to get them into the mindset of knowing that being with you will be worth their while.
It's the high interest ones who don't need the hook as much. I have had women call me back before, and I could tell it was more to figure out what I was talking about in the VM than it was because they had high interest in me. I'll say things like, "Hey, I need a favor" or "omg, you would not believe what I just saw" and then not say what it is. Another one I like is "I have a secret." You act like it is something groundbreaking in the vm, then when she calls back, just make a joke of it. This works in email to. The other day this girl replied, "You have my curiosity in overdrive. I can't stop trying to figure out your secret." The secret is that there is no secret, but I didn't tell her that (it's a secret).


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
I have read most replies and heres my opinion....

a) I dont think you can read these girls very well...if the date went well then how come they don't answer? Yes you can score with a girl on the third date without kissing her but why wait? why not give her something a little more to remember you by than the other guys who call her?

b) I think your message wasn't to bad...I wouldn't make up to much bull**** escpecially if shes not hot on may come off as try hard after you didn't hit it off to well.

personally I would find something that the girl would really love to do and invite her through texting (less pressure on her) or leave her hanging like the previous poster suggested


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Guy's, don't you have other things to do or people to see so than you're not dependant on the call back of one girl? Plus, what do you accomplish by putting her on the spot about not calling you back? Are you desperate enough to lay a guilt trip on her in the hopes that she'll call you or go out with you? What if she really isn't interested yet still goes out with you? It happens more often than not. Think about the realistic outcomes to your possible actions and consider whether it's even worth the effort.
Well, it's not really about having other things to do or other people to see I'm sure we all have plenty of things to do. I am certainly not dependent on the woman's call back. The point is that women are hit on frequently by many guys and may have it set that if the guys does not make an effort to get ahold of her (ie call her more than once), then the other x number of guys that hit on her certainly will and you will be forgotten. Yes, if they don't have interest in you then you can be certain you are not getting a call back as well, but what if she is interested and you nexted her because you didn't make a good enough effort in her opinion or she is sh!t testing you? I've heard of women doing this, but still having high interest. Yes it's not logical, but it happens.

I'm not out to put them on the spot or laying a guilt trip on them for not calling back. I am out to let them know that the bottom line is that I am interested going on a date and that we would have a great time as well, but if they don't want to call back I will still have a good time without them. Basically I want to let them know that I am inviting her to my world and not the other way around and that if she don't follow, then she will be replaced.

As far as if she goes out with you and not being really interested. This is easy to catch. Just take her out to a Starbucks and observe her body language. I will always initiate kino and based on the response I get, I am certain whether she is interested or not. If I feel she is not interested, I get up and leave and I'm only out $7. Heck, if she was not interested she would not agree to even go to the Starbucks date as well as possibly try to suggest something more expensive like dinner and you would see this as a Red Flag and next her.

Basically, I know that women are out there playing this kind of game and I'm sure everyone here has faced it. What is your opinion on this and how do you get around this?