How do YOU handle the "I have a boyfriend" line


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
RangerMIke said:
I ignore it.

All women have at least 'some' beta orbiter she is claiming as some kind of a BF. The fact she has a BF tells you NOTHING about her current attraction level she might have for her guy. They might be slipping and she's really just hanging on out of habit. This is the nature of women, often times she will say she has a BF because she thinks it makes her more attractive... it's a test of your interest.

A confident man is not going to be concerned with competition. To a confident man a BF is nothing but another rooster in the hen house. Unless she is engaged she's fair game.

Next week I have a second date with a woman who floated out the "I have a boyfriend" line on our first date. I totally ignored that and kept running my game. SHe never mentioned it again and I didn't ask.

Asked her out again a couple weeks later... she said she couldn't make it, so I nexted her.

This week she sent me a text message asking how things were going, I called her back and said I wanted to see her again and asked if she was free for dinner next Wednesday. She said, "Didn't I tell you I had a BF.", I said, "I didn't ask you about that, I asked if you were free for dinner, are you?" She said okay, told I would ick her up at her place at 7 and to dress causal. Later she sent me a flirty text... I just texed back I'd see her Wednesday. This is how women are....

I got a phone number from a woman in the Wal-Mart parking lot, of all places, moths ago we are still causally dating. When I asked for the number she said "I have a boyfriend." What I told her was this, and it freaking worked like a charm, all you DJ's as free to use it.

Mike: "What's your number?"
HB8 - "I have a boyfriend." (Her BL was saying she was thinking about it)
Mike: "What?... he took your phone?... He doesn't let you use your phone?"
HB8: "Well no... you know what I mean."
Mike: "Well I guess I don't blame him if my GF looked as hot as you I'd be a little paranoid myself."
HB8: "It's not like that really."
Mike: "Well what's it like... tell me about it over dinner this Thursday."
HB8: "I can't..."
Mike: "What, you can't eat... Okay, then drinks."
HB8: "You're funny."
Mike: "It hard being funny standing in a Wal-Mart parking lot, you should see me on stage."
HB8: "Okay my number is XXX-XXXX, what's your number..."
Mike: "What so you can screen my call. I don't think so, you see if I give you my number and you don't pick up, then I'll know you know who I am and you are doing this on purpose, this will crush my ego, this way when I call, and you let it go to VM, I can assume you're screening me out because you don't know who is calling. It's much better for me that way.
HB8: "I don't do that."
Mike: "What, answer the phone? If you don't answer I can I ask you out, besides I'm not promising you I'll call."
HB8: "WELL if I give you my number you better call."
Mike: "Ah now that's what I want to here, enthusiasm! Let's just make a date this Thursday, that way you're not sitting by the phone and I'm not worried about screen outs. Since you won't eat or drink I'll figre out something fun to do."
HB8: laughing
Mike: "i'll pick up up at 7, what's your address, or do you just want to meet right here next to the shopping cart corral."
Hb8: laughing
Mike: Okay, right here at 7 on Thurday, dress casual.
HB8: Okay, I'm not promising you I'll be here.
Mike: "Hey if you don;t show, no problme I'll just head off and do what I have planned, but if you're not here a 7 I'm not waiting around."
HB8: "We'll see."
Mike: "I guess we will."

Well she was there, and we went bowling, than drinks a bar close to the house and played some darts. She never mentioned her BF again, and I never ask about him. It's been 6 months now, and hook-up every couple of weeks.
Bro props but that's sounds like too much work. If a girl told me "I have a boyfriend." I'd be like "that's too bad, would have liked to get together."

For me, if she's resisting before you even ask for the number, what is she going to do when things get tough?

Plus, if a girl told me "We'll see." she'd be out for me too. Who is doing who here the favour?

Only my thoughts, I'm no player by any means. :cool:
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Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
djthiago1 said:
Been having this problem too, i've been trying to approach girls i've never met in random places. I basically go up to them and say:
me: Hi, what's your name?

babe: Name's HB.

me: Listen, i think you're very pretty and i'd like to get to know you, what's your phone number?

I'm a bit shy when i'm all by myself so this takes big steel balls for me.

Tried this 3 times this week, got the boyfriend line 3 times. What's with this 100% having boyfriend rates?
Am i doing something wrong?
NEVER compliment their looks directly! EVER! Online, in person, NEVER. They hear this all day long. From betas, orbiters, and even their family members. EVEN if they are not HB8 or better, they still hear it ALL the damn time. You have to be more precise and original than that.
Compliment their smell, their dress, their watch, the pasta they choose at the grocery store, what they drink, ANYTHING but their attractiveness. THATS where you are going wrong. If you have nothing to go on but their looks, compliment something they have never heard before. Elbows, neck line, belt buckle, skin color, anything BUT their general appearance. You can even say, (works great for me on a cold approach) " You look like you have some (depth, feistiness, educated,)
I always get. "What makes you say that?" Go from there.


Whatever you do, don't insult the boyfriend. Huge insecurity red flag. A sh*t eating grin and "yeah, whatever" or "uh huh" and quickly going back to what you were saying will suffice. Don't discuss the boyfriend at all and shut her down if she insists on going on about him.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Trump said:
Bro props but that's sounds like too much work. If a girl told me "I have a boyfriend." I'd be like "that's too bad, would have liked to get together."

For me, if she's resisting before you even ask for the number, what is she going to do when things get tough?

Plus, if a girl told me "We'll see." she'd be out for me too. Who is doing who here the favour?

Only my thoughts, I'm no player by any means. :cool:
Well the key is reading her body language. I agree, I'm not going to waste my time chasing women that are not available. The principle point here is that when she says "I have a boyfriend" it does not mean she is resisting you. You have to see what else is going on.

My gal I met in the Wal-Mart parking lot.... well more was going on than just the interaction in the parking lot. We actually met inside the store waiting in line. I noticed her cellphone screen was cracked and started teasing her about it (it's what I do, teasing women you meet works great, as long as you aren't a @ss about it), I can't remember what I said, but it was something like not having to worry about anyone stealing it. But we were chatting in line, learned she was a teacher at a nearby school. Now here is the key, she paid first, and instead of just walking away, she WAITED until I had checked out and we walked out together. I KNEW SHE WAS INTERESTED; otherwise she would not have waited for me. SHE kept eye contact, and I noticed her checking out my body.

NEVER PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT A WOMAN SAYS. Look at what she DOES. If a woman says she has a boyfriend, but she’s giving you all the indications that she wants to fvck you, what are you going to pay attention to?

The woman that I have a second date with next week... Now this is interesting and I hope it helps guys to understand you have to FVCKING PAY ATTENTION to what is going on. Conversation was going REALLY WELL, truth is I probably have more in common with this woman than anyone I've dated in a VERY long time. I excused myself to the bathroom, looked at the mirror in the bar next to the table and watched her check out my @ss walking to the bathroom. When I was coming back I stopped before completely coming around the corner, and there she was texting on her cell phone... When I started walking to the table, she put the phone away, the next thing she said was a mention of her boyfriend.

Okay, what happened here is that she was texting one of her friends, and they were talking about me. She obviously got advice from one of her friends to 'mention a boyfriend and see what he does.' Like I said, I just didn't even acknowledge it. DONT PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT SHE SAYS, read her BL. She wouldn't be on the date if at some level she was NOT available.... her BL was all positive, and we sat and talked until the restaurant closed. Kissed at the end of the date.

When I asked her out again.... she said no, and didn't counter... So I was ready to walk away. But when she reached out again, I just assumed high interest and pushed for another date... mentions her BF again, but THAT IS WHAT SHE SAID, what she DID was reach out to me again. So I pushed, and got a second date, we’ll see how that goes.

Okay here is a thought game… Which woman is available:

Girl One: Her body language is closed off arms folded, glances around the room, all answers to you questions are brief, and she’s not asking you any questions, doesn’t seem interested you at all, but NEVER mentions a boyfriend.

Girl Two: She is spread eagle naked on your bed talking about her boyfriend.

Okay… I know that’s an absurd comparison, but you really need to pay attention to what she is doing rather than what she is saying.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
RangerMIke Okay here is a thought game… Which woman is available: [U said:
Girl One:[/U] Her body language is closed off arms folded, glances around the room, all answers to you questions are brief, and she’s not asking you any questions, doesn’t seem interested you at all, but NEVER mentions a boyfriend.

Girl Two: She is spread eagle naked on your bed talking about her boyfriend.

Okay… I know that’s an absurd comparison, but you really need to pay attention to what she is doing rather than what she is saying..
As absurd as this sounds I've actually been there recently. Ha not spread eagle but we were naked in her bed & she mentioned her so. Well we woke up that way. Sloots gunna be sloots.

Steady Eddie

Don Juan
Mar 2, 2015
Reaction score
Girl: I have a boyfriend

Me: That's alright. I don't want to date him.

Results may vary with this line.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Beyond Limitations
"What? we're talking about our problems now?"

I occasionally use that if I get a good vibe. Usually though if she's interested you'll only hear about the boyfriend in the cab that's taking you back to your place, while your tongue is 3 inches deep down her throat.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
It's a blow off. On to the next one.

It's a numbers game after all.


Don Juan
Feb 12, 2015
Reaction score
salinechow said:
NEVER compliment their looks directly! EVER! Online, in person, NEVER. They hear this all day long. From betas, orbiters, and even their family members. EVEN if they are not HB8 or better, they still hear it ALL the damn time. You have to be more precise and original than that.
Compliment their smell, their dress, their watch, the pasta they choose at the grocery store, what they drink, ANYTHING but their attractiveness. THATS where you are going wrong. If you have nothing to go on but their looks, compliment something they have never heard before. Elbows, neck line, belt buckle, skin color, anything BUT their general appearance. You can even say, (works great for me on a cold approach) " You look like you have some (depth, feistiness, educated,)
I always get. "What makes you say that?" Go from there.
Very much agreed... NEVER put her on a pedestal.
As far as the BF sh1it test, i simply pretend she never said anything at all.

Mike s kentucky

New Member
Mar 5, 2015
Reaction score
RangerMIke said:
I ignore it.

All women have at least 'some' beta orbiter she is claiming as some kind of a BF. The fact she has a BF tells you NOTHING about her current attraction level she might have for her guy. They might be slipping and she's really just hanging on out of habit. This is the nature of women, often times she will say she has a BF because she thinks it makes her more attractive... it's a test of your interest.

A confident man is not going to be concerned with competition. To a confident man a BF is nothing but another rooster in the hen house. Unless she is engaged she's fair game.

Next week I have a second date with a woman who floated out the "I have a boyfriend" line on our first date. I totally ignored that and kept running my game. SHe never mentioned it again and I didn't ask.

Asked her out again a couple weeks later... she said she couldn't make it, so I nexted her.

This week she sent me a text message asking how things were going, I called her back and said I wanted to see her again and asked if she was free for dinner next Wednesday. She said, "Didn't I tell you I had a BF.", I said, "I didn't ask you about that, I asked if you were free for dinner, are you?" She said okay, told I would ick her up at her place at 7 and to dress causal. Later she sent me a flirty text... I just texed back I'd see her Wednesday. This is how women are....

I got a phone number from a woman in the Wal-Mart parking lot, of all places, moths ago we are still causally dating. When I asked for the number she said "I have a boyfriend." What I told her was this, and it freaking worked like a charm, all you DJ's as free to use it.

Mike: "What's your number?"
HB8 - "I have a boyfriend." (Her BL was saying she was thinking about it)
Mike: "What?... he took your phone?... He doesn't let you use your phone?"
HB8: "Well no... you know what I mean."
Mike: "Well I guess I don't blame him if my GF looked as hot as you I'd be a little paranoid myself."
HB8: "It's not like that really."
Mike: "Well what's it like... tell me about it over dinner this Thursday."
HB8: "I can't..."
Mike: "What, you can't eat... Okay, then drinks."
HB8: "You're funny."
Mike: "It hard being funny standing in a Wal-Mart parking lot, you should see me on stage."
HB8: "Okay my number is XXX-XXXX, what's your number..."
Mike: "What so you can screen my call. I don't think so, you see if I give you my number and you don't pick up, then I'll know you know who I am and you are doing this on purpose, this will crush my ego, this way when I call, and you let it go to VM, I can assume you're screening me out because you don't know who is calling. It's much better for me that way.
HB8: "I don't do that."
Mike: "What, answer the phone? If you don't answer I can I ask you out, besides I'm not promising you I'll call."
HB8: "WELL if I give you my number you better call."
Mike: "Ah now that's what I want to here, enthusiasm! Let's just make a date this Thursday, that way you're not sitting by the phone and I'm not worried about screen outs. Since you won't eat or drink I'll figre out something fun to do."
HB8: laughing
Mike: "i'll pick up up at 7, what's your address, or do you just want to meet right here next to the shopping cart corral."
Hb8: laughing
Mike: Okay, right here at 7 on Thurday, dress casual.
HB8: Okay, I'm not promising you I'll be here.
Mike: "Hey if you don;t show, no problme I'll just head off and do what I have planned, but if you're not here a 7 I'm not waiting around."
HB8: "We'll see."
Mike: "I guess we will."

Well she was there, and we went bowling, than drinks a bar close to the house and played some darts. She never mentioned her BF again, and I never ask about him. It's been 6 months now, and hook-up every couple of weeks.
Why do the work when there's girls who don't sh t test so much are are just as hot? Or are you a homosexual?

Mike s kentucky

New Member
Mar 5, 2015
Reaction score
RangerMIke said:
Well the key is reading her body language. I agree, I'm not going to waste my time chasing women that are not available. The principle point here is that when she says "I have a boyfriend" it does not mean she is resisting you. You have to see what else is going on.

My gal I met in the Wal-Mart parking lot.... well more was going on than just the interaction in the parking lot. We actually met inside the store waiting in line. I noticed her cellphone screen was cracked and started teasing her about it (it's what I do, teasing women you meet works great, as long as you aren't a @ss about it), I can't remember what I said, but it was something like not having to worry about anyone stealing it. But we were chatting in line, learned she was a teacher at a nearby school. Now here is the key, she paid first, and instead of just walking away, she WAITED until I had checked out and we walked out together. I KNEW SHE WAS INTERESTED; otherwise she would not have waited for me. SHE kept eye contact, and I noticed her checking out my body.

NEVER PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT A WOMAN SAYS. Look at what she DOES. If a woman says she has a boyfriend, but she’s giving you all the indications that she wants to fvck you, what are you going to pay attention to?

The woman that I have a second date with next week... Now this is interesting and I hope it helps guys to understand you have to FVCKING PAY ATTENTION to what is going on. Conversation was going REALLY WELL, truth is I probably have more in common with this woman than anyone I've dated in a VERY long time. I excused myself to the bathroom, looked at the mirror in the bar next to the table and watched her check out my @ss walking to the bathroom. When I was coming back I stopped before completely coming around the corner, and there she was texting on her cell phone... When I started walking to the table, she put the phone away, the next thing she said was a mention of her boyfriend.

Okay, what happened here is that she was texting one of her friends, and they were talking about me. She obviously got advice from one of her friends to 'mention a boyfriend and see what he does.' Like I said, I just didn't even acknowledge it. DONT PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT SHE SAYS, read her BL. She wouldn't be on the date if at some level she was NOT available.... her BL was all positive, and we sat and talked until the restaurant closed. Kissed at the end of the date.

When I asked her out again.... she said no, and didn't counter... So I was ready to walk away. But when she reached out again, I just assumed high interest and pushed for another date... mentions her BF again, but THAT IS WHAT SHE SAID, what she DID was reach out to me again. So I pushed, and got a second date, we’ll see how that goes.

Okay here is a thought game… Which woman is available:

Girl One: Her body language is closed off arms folded, glances around the room, all answers to you questions are brief, and she’s not asking you any questions, doesn’t seem interested you at all, but NEVER mentions a boyfriend.

Girl Two: She is spread eagle naked on your bed talking about her boyfriend.

Okay… I know that’s an absurd comparison, but you really need to pay attention to what she is doing rather than what she is saying.
She's screwing at least 7 guys.