I'd have to agree with Selsomseen..you gotta learn how to dance. I am extremely good at dancing (and i'm not gay) better than most everyone on the floor and definently most of the girls I dance with. Since I know this, I am EXTREMELY confident almost ****y at all times just naturally on the dance floor, and also since I love dancing, I am always having an extreme amount of fun in the clubs. Obviously both of these things come across to the girls, they recognize how confident I am, and how much fun I am having and thus they actually gravitate towards me on the dance floor because I successfully become the life of the party.
You have to evaluate what type of girl it is. Most of the time I end up grabbing the girl to dance with me without any verbal confirmation, but if shes by the bar all day, or standoffish, she might not be your type, but try to get that eye contact and see what you can do. If she gives you the eye contact in an environment like this then you are IN....no exception. But NEVER NEVER ASK her to dance....oh man that it so gentlemanly....with the key word being GENTLE, not at all an Alpha quality.
Once you get her I usually either do on one or two songs. If shes a real good dancer, do one song just to have fun, then on the second song use this time to talk to her while dancing. Because its so loud in the club, you'll have to invade her space and almost be in a position to kiss her for her to even hear you. DONT take her to a quieter place, at least not for a while, because the fact that you have to be so close for her to hear is perfect KINO. It won't even seem intrusive to her because she knows there is no other way for her to hear. I'm not going to give you any tips on the conversation, but keep her laughing...and if you're truly having fun this shouldn't be a problem.
You can either close the first time you talk to her or if you think she needs more buttering and can risk that she'll be there say 20 minutes later, leave her and say you have to catch up with your friends, or one of my favorites I saw on the board "could you excuse me I promised this girl I'd dance with her before the night is over" then go dance with some random girl (obviously one that you have little chance to get turned down by so if shes watching it doesn't look like you're lying). Leaving her hanging like that will make her think you are just a hot item or that she lacks something, because you were obviously confident enough to close, but you chose not too. She'll probably find you later, but if she doesn't just bump into her like you didn't plan on seeing her again and close at that time.
Now obviously it wouldn't be the easiest thing to learn how to dance as good as I have (unless you spend the same many years of learning every style out there which is not an easy thing) but you just need to have just enough to make you feel confident about what you are doing, and enough for you to have fun dancing. If you can accomplish these two I assure you the sexual tension thats already in the air....and maybe even the alcohol...will make you so confident that no reasonable girl will turn you down.
The other key is to make sure that you have a prop that makes you stand out. This can put you above and beyond. Fortunately, most guys are real generic in clubs, so standing out shouldn't be too hard. They have the slacks and the dress shirt of some unknonw color...if theres no specific dress code, where a hat, wear glasses, wear anythign that sets you apart. I hate to say it, but as long as your confident wearing it, just about anythign goes. You want something that will make their eyes stop when they hit you, giving you a chance to hit that eye contact if you are aware....or even stop you to compliment you and/or ask about your outfit.
Sorry bout the long essay
, but honestly this is one of my most successful places....I usually have about 90% success with my closes in clubs Honestly. Now if only i could duplicate the same amount of confidence and fun i'm having outside the club scene....thats why I'm here
. Anyways good luck with the club scene.