How do you find guys to go out with?

Sam Adams

Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hey just a recap of my situation. I'm a third year college student who just got back from a semester abroad. The one thing I have always found very difficult at my school is finding guys to go out with at night. I never had this problem when I was studying abroad, but I go to a rather prestigious school and everyone is very consumed with themselves and their studies to really spend much time going out. I get frustrated with this because I always wanted to do more than schoolwork and it's weird showing up to a bar or club solo. Plus I believe being able to talk someone into going out who doesn't really want to is a great way to demonstrate alpha male status. Is there any good method to motivate people to go out and try to meet people/girls and have a good time?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Just go to the club alone, that demonstrates alpha male status more then anything. It take guts, and balls of steel. Last night I went to the club solo, just read my journal to see what happened.
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
:kick: :kick: :flowers: bro, I have yet to go out to a club alone it would feel wierd especially at a black club, like the ones I be going too. But yeah I get butterflies just thinking about goin out there alone. But what I would do if I went alone is I would hop into a set at the bar almost as soon as I walk in. Then I'd peep out a target to talk too next if that set fails ( which doesn't happen to me alot) and I'd go for F-closes. But don't sit at the bar alone for too Thats the problem with going alon is you don't have anyone to touch base with when your not in sets.