25? Come back when you're 30, you're still too young to be asking this question.
Seriously though, here's an asignment for you. Go to your church (or your familie's church if you don't go regular) and take mental notes of all the women you see there. Be real particular as far as appearances go and any conversations you can eavesdrop on paying particular attention to statements about personal lives or issues that may relate to their opinions of dating or marriage. You will begin to see consistent patterns present themselves. A lot of christian women follow very predictable schemas. Most will be overweight, most will shun direct discussions about sex, most will expect to be married (soon around your age), most will complain about there being a lack of 'marriageable' men with sufficient dedication to women as it should be their duty to do so. Those not overweight will tend to be wallflowers (or self preceived wallflowers) or 'recovering sluts' in church for the first time in a while wanting to make a fresh start. One unifying understanding that virtually all of them will have will be a belief in a ONE (ONEitis) predestined husband ordained for them and will respond to the soul-mate myth accordingly. This is also a manifestation of the 'entitlement' dynamic which is rife in almost every religious group, not just christianity.
The next questions you need to ask youself is:
Am I satisfied with the achievements I've accomplished in life thus far or do I still have more to do? Am I still in college or do I want to attend post graduate school?
What are MY standards for marriage and does THIS woman live up to MY expectations?
Marriage is for a lifetime, will this person keep me satisfied sexually?
Does this woman understand what I am sacrificing to fulfill her perceived entitlement of a husband?
Will she regualrly show me genuine appreciation in return for these sacrifices?
Is this woman's exclusive intimacy worth marrying her for?
If you answer no to any of these, don't get married. There are no immediately identifiable benefits for a man to get married (unless you really want to start a family). It is ALL responsibility with very little recognizable payback. Christian or otherwise, marriage benefits the woman exclusively, while the plus side for men is negligible. Women are drawn to religion because it represents security for them; their prime motivation. It's been my experience that the best 'party girl' in the world will go religious after marriage anyway. It serves the security need. This is why you'll see membership of single women in a congregation will always outnumber that of single men. Men's primary motivator is sex and this conflicts not only with dogma, but a woman's security drive. Generally, unless he's been raised under religious conditions, men will not spontaneously become religious without a motivator (such as a religious wife/girlfriend). Men go fishing where the fish are biting and the bite's not on at church. Women do this too, especially attractive ones. An otherwise 'worldly' woman will tend to find religion once the possibility of marriage is on the table. The time comes for them to 'get right' now that they've had their fun and traditional marriage seems the most stable to raise children in. The natural progression of this is often to 'rediscover' their religious sides in order to effect it. That's not to discount the validity of the choice to do so or question the genuiness of it, but it occurs conveniently and men who assumed their wife to be will remain as hot and nasty as she was when they were single end up with an unpleasant and unforseen reality.
I am not a christian in the sense that I ascribe to the constriction of the evangeical doctrine, but I am a Christ-Follower. I also understand that to be human is to be imperfect. When I met my wife, we met at a club, we got lit together and we danced and we dated and we fvcked (a lot), after that and we got married. I didn't meet her at a church retreat or youth camp. However just prior to us getting married we decided to find a church together at that time and found that we had similar religious beliefs, we'd never discussed them before this. So don't entirely discount the 'sluts' or club girls as necessarily being unmarriagable. Given time most women will seek the security of religion, particularly after marriage.