How Do You Elicit Emotions on the First Date?



It's been talked about a lot that the key to success with women is to draw out those feelings, but I think it is a challenge for most men out there. Especially those like myself that have been way out of the game for a long time. There were opportunities where I was at the right place and timing where I could just run with it and everything went with the flow, not forced.

Here are some of my examples

- "While I was waiting for you you to come up, I was people watching and you just know when people are on a first date! Interesting interactions when they meet, there's 'Hey! it's great to see you' and 'Oh hey, good to meet you" (Using different tones of voice)
- I ordered the bone marrow and she asked for a spoon instead of using the bread, her being asian, I teased her about the waitress thinking we are savages
- One chick was in triple leveraged equities and I said let's not end up homeless

These opportunities presents itself during the course of the conversations, but I've been on dates where none of those come up OR the conversations weren't open enough to get those feelings going.

What are questions those of you have been successful at eliciting emotions during the first date would ask if an opening is not there?
Mar 9, 2021
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By being her type or having a brand. Most incels or guys struggling with the emotional aspect of women do so because giving a mere compliment can be seen as validation/simping and are just soulless minimalists that just workout and chase dad figures like Andrew tate and Donald Trump.